part 4

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We landed in Mallorca and Carlos came to pick us up. Carlos has a beach house there so that's where we stay. We walk to the cars when leayah starts running towards Carlos forgetting her two suitcases for me. I come walking to them kissing with 4 suitcases.

"Thanks leayah." I say laughing

"Sorry I was just happy to see Carlitos again." Leayah says as she wanted to grab the suitcases but Carlos stops her and grabs her suitcases.

"Let me, miss." Carlos says als she puts her suitcases in the trunk.

"What a gentleman." Leayah says as Carlos let me put my own suitcases in the trunk.

"Yeah, such a gentleman." I say sarcastically

"Stop whining, if you can drive an f1 car you can put your own suitcases in the car." Carlos says laughing which made me laugh as well

We get to carlos' house and we settle in. I know leayah probably wants to spend some time with Carlos, so I decide to put my bikini on and a cover up.

"I'm going to the beach guys!" I scream but I know their in their bedroom.

I walk to the beach and I sit down just listening at the waves. Lost in thoughts a tear dropped down.

I look at the sky and I do the thing that always calms me down.

Hi toine, I know you probably can't hear this, but I really miss you. There is quite a lot happening right now, I got into f1, you would've been so proud of me. I got into f1, why am I not happy, I have the carreer that everyone dreams but everything else is just going to wrong way.

I feel someone sitting next to me so I look over.

"I do this with Jules and my dad to, mind if I join?" Charles says.

"Thank you Charles I really needed someone." I say as I smile at him with just a single teardrop chilling on my cheek. Charles wipes it away with his thumb and he smiles back.

"I think we both needed someone." He says just giving me half a smile.

I sit closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder

"Well what's going on with you?" I ask him.

"My ex, she was amazing but she cheated on me the week before the drivers party, it hurts it makes me feel like I'm not good enough." He opens up.

"Charles if she cheated she wasn't amazing and it means you deserve so much more than her, it doesn't mean that you are not good enough, it means that you are better than her." I as I'm just being honest to him.

He drops his head so it's on top of mine and he get his arm around

"So what's going on with you?" He asks.

"I thought I liked this boy, we talked everyday all day, but I guess he didn't feel the same about me, he has got himself a girlfriend I guess. Worst thing is I bet if I grab my phone he has send me a message, I just I can't open it because I know I'll text back and I just can't. And ofcourse my dad and antoine always hunt in my head, both of the accidents happend it front of my eyes." I open up to him as tears start flowing out of my eyes and charles pulls me even closer to him.

"You've been through so much and it made you so strong. Like be proud of yourself, you are the most promising rookie of the year, and my little brother is the other one." He says as he smiles at me.

"Thank you Charles it means a lot, it really does." I say.

"And the boy who is so stupid to not hold on to you, he deserves a slap to his senses." He says

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