Beomgyu is a little confused by the sudden message from Yeonjun, but he's quick to reply yes as worry sets in him. Messages at weird times like this give him a bit of anxiety.

Yeonjun's response comes a few seconds later, a thumbs up and good, come run with me which makes Beomgyu groan, he wants to complain and tell Yeonjun that he's tired and it's freezing, and that they have practice in two hours, why would do they go on a run at 7 in the morning? But Beomgyu knows those types of responses won't work on the oldest, if Beomgyu refuses, Yeonjun would just come into his bedroom and drag him out bed.

So after a minute of silently screaming into his pillow, he types back Okay .

Beomgyu meets the elder at the door of their quiet apartment, his hyung is dressed in a black hoodie, black sweatpants, black shoes and a black face mask, a little contradictory to Beomgyu's clothes, he was so tempted to leave in his pajamas but he decided on something less embarrassing, he wore his white sneakers, blue sweatpants, a grey sweatshirt that, truthfully, probably belong to the maknae.

"Ready?" Yeonjun asked in a low tone, probably due to everyone else in their dorm still sleeping.

Beomgyu crossed his arms against his chest, shaking his head, gosh he really didn't want to run this early in the day, especially when the rest of his schedule was filled with physical activity.

"Don't worry, we'll take it easy."

Easy ? Easy? Beomgyu is dying, they were on their second mile with still two more to go and Beomgyu was ready to give up and go home. Heck, he wanted to go as far as to message their manager with a cry of apologies and tell him he feels too sick to take part in today's schedule.

"You're such a baby."

Beomgyu looked up in annoyance at the oldest. He sat on the bench, trying to catch his breath and rest his burning feet. "I'm sorry not everyone is an adrenaline junkie like you and a masochist running to the brink of exhaustion, Hyung."

Yeonjun chuckled in response, bringing his foot up next to Beomgyu on the bench, stretching with a big grin on his face. "Doesn't it feel good, when your brain is just thinking of the pain in your feet, and nothing else? You're just focusing on breathing, trying to keep up the pace? You don't have to think about anything else, just running."

Beomgyu looks away, his hyung was right on that, the entire run, he was freed of his problems, he was only thinking about trying to make it to the next mile, just a bit closer to being done. He wasn't thinking of their comeback, of his terrible Japanese, and he wasn't thinking of Taehyun.

The older hums, "You should run more with me."

Beomgyu groans, throwing his head back. "No, you're too fast and I hate trying to keep up with you. Plus, isn't four miles just a little too much for a Tuesday morning?"

"I usually do 6 miles."

Beomgyu almost cries at the sound of that, how can anyone do that to themselves. "Gross."

Yeonjun laughs, he stretches a little more before he takes a seat next to Beomgyu, they're both silent for a few minutes, enjoying the cold breeze, the birds chirping in the Seoul park, listening to the breaths of other early risers going on their morning runs.

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