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"Hyung, your hair's getting long."

Beomgyu turns around at the sound of the second youngest. He was in the living space of their dorm, playing video games for the past four hours. The rest of his band members had taken the day to see their families. Beomgyu, on the other hand, would need two days to see his family because of the long travel to Daegu, his hometown. So instead, he decided to stay and take advantage of having the dorm all to himself, something that is rare for any of them. It was around ten in the night when a member finally returned, Taehyun.

"Taehyunnie! How was seeing your family?"

Taehyun took a seat next to him. He was wearing a gray sweater, skinny dark jeans, along with a black face mask and hat. "It was nice, my mom made that soup you like. She packed you some."

Beomgyu smiles, there have been times where Taehyun has brought him along to see his family. Times where Beomgyu had particularly felt alone, couldn't see his own family and needed to stay with someone. In one of the visits, Taehyun's mom had prepared a beef soup, and it wasn't like all the other soups, this one tasted different, so delicious that he even ate all the vegetables. Beomgyu had eaten two bowls that day.

"Please tell your mom I said thank you." The younger nodded, staring off into the TV screen and Beomgyu continued to play his game. It was comforting, yes he was okay with being alone today, but having the presence of his friend around wasn't so bad.

Taehyun, unlike him, was more collected, quiet, calm, cool may Beomgyu add. They were complete opposites, balancing each other out. At times where all Beomgyu can do is talk nonstop, Taehyun was there, listening every second. There were times where Beomgyu wished he knew what the younger was thinking. His expression most of the time was still, lips pursed and eyes staring forward. Beomgyu would catch him zoning off, curiously staring at him. Or there were times where he would be telling Taehyun something exciting and he would just look at him like that, with the same expression on his face.

Now don't get Beomgyu wrong, he wasn't saying Taehyun was just serious and stone-face 24/7. No, he smiled and laughed numerous times throughout the day. But Taehyun's face when he sang? Beomgyu thinks that's when he's most expressive, when Taehyun sings he's a different person. Nothing but raw emotion on his face. It's contradictive, really. When he had first seen the younger, his looks and expression intimidated Beomgyu, how could they not, Beomgyu was so open with his emotions that he believed it was one of his weaknesses, and here is someone, a year younger than him, shorter than him, intimidating the shit out him.

Now Taehyun is almost reaching his height. And with how many nights he's at the gym, the younger has become physically stronger than him. Strangely, considering everything, Beomgyu is no longer intimidated by Taehyun. There's probably too many factors as to why, the years of their friendship, Taehyun being terrified of scary movies, or the fact that Taehyun knows him better than anyone in the group.

"How long have you been playing?"

Beomgyu laughs, knowing the answer, and guessing Taehyun's reaction to his answer. Of course he's not going to tell him.

The younger laughs, out of disbelief, and lightly pushes Beomgyu's shoulder with his own. "You're insane, hyung. I'm going to go shower, please eat the soup by the time I'm out." Taehyun stands, and Beomgyu sticks his tongue out at him, making the younger scoff. "You're literally 20 years old."

Beomgyu laughs, leaning back against the couch rest, watching Taehyun walk away. He shouts, so the younger can hear him. "That's right, you shouldn't treat your elders that way!"

All Beomgyu hears is a laugh, and the bathroom door closing.

Beomgyu, strangely and with no intent, arrives first at the dance studio. Looking around, he's surprised he doesn't see Taehyun or even Yeonjun.

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