But I know I have to face him sooner or later, just hopefully not right now.

I decided to get ready for the day even if it's still 6 in the morning. The time was messing up my whole body so might as well just move. I wanted to get my mind off of things so I dressed up for the gym. I grabbed a water bottle that was complimented by the hotel along with my phone, key card and my ear phones. I checked my bags and valuable things if they were safely hidden and then headed out.


After the gym, I freshened up and dressed casually to go out. At first, I didn't want to but my stomach was screaming at me. Instead of the hotel buffet, I decided to find a nearby cafe so it looks like I'm a bit mysterious.

And also because I didn't want to look sad from eating alone.

I'm trying my best to look at the good side here.

Walking through the busy streets of Milan, I wanted asked a few local people which restaurant would be good to eat at. I looked around and found a tall man standing next to a small fountain.

Well it looked small compared to him.

After building up the courage, I walked up to him and tapped him on his shoulder. He turned around as I looked up feeling very small.

"Uhh.. Excuse me? Can I ask you something?" I asked, hoping he can speak english.

"Ah yes! A photo? A signature?" He asked looking for something.

I tilted my head, confused.

"Uhh.. I'm sorry but I wanted to ask if you can suggest a restaurant for me.." I said feeling a bit weirded out.

"Oh! So sorry!" He apologized scratching the back of his head.

I shook my head indicating not to worry. Suddenly another man came in which made me recognize him from his odd features compared to the locals. It was the same Japanese man I saw last night.

"Ehi, stai facendo il prepotente con quella povera ragazza? (Hey, are you bullying that poor girl?)" The Japanese man spoke fluently.

I looked at the asian man, stunned. The Italian man defended himself from the Japanese as the man gave him a side eye.

"So sorry.. I guess we meet again!" The Japanese apologized and greeted me with glee.

"Ah yes, so we did!" I replied back with the same energy.

I chuckled but noticed the Italian man looking at us.

"Do you guys know each other?" He asked, smirking at the Japanese man, who I still don't know the name of, in front of me.

"Kind of? We bumped into each other last night." The Japanese explained.

"I'm Yuki Ishikawa, by the way.. 始めまして! (Nice to meet you!)" He said, bowing to me.

"Ah! Rika Kobayashi here.." I bowed back.

"And I'm Matteo Piano!" The Italian man beamed.

We laughed at the sudden outburst of the man.

"So you wanted to eat a good restaurant, no?" Matteo asked.

"Ah yes! I wanted to ask a local to suggest a place for me.. if that's alright.." I smiled sheepishly.

Matteo looked at Yuki then back at me.

"Do you mind if you join us? It would be easier for you since we're going to the best - in my opinion - restaurant in Milan!" He said, as he waved his arms around.

I looked at Yuki as he covered his face from embarrassment.

"So?" Matteo looked at me as his eyebrows wiggled.

I thought for a moment. It would be rude of me to decline the offer but I don't know who these people are. I think the only thing that's making me feel a tad bit safe is because Yuki, a fellow Japanese, is there. I made up my mind and agreed, hoping that everything would be fine.

Matteo jumped from joy as Yuki smiled at me.

"Nice! Andiamo! (Let's go!)" Matteo exclaimed.

As we were walking, we started chit chatting. They asked me what I was doing here in Milan as I explained to them that I taught a class and was invited to watch a performance. They also asked me what I was doing for a living and I responded that I own a theatre and create shows and whatnot. They were surprised to find out that I was only 20 but didn't continue to question me further.

I also got to ask them the same questions. I found out they played volleyball and had practice after eating breakfast. The name Yuki Ishikawa suddenly rung a bell in my head, making me turn towards the man.

"Wait.. So you're telling me... That you're THE Yuki Ishikawa? As in THE YUKI ISHIKAWA??" I questioned, still not believing my discovery.

He just nodded and smiled shyly.

If my brother knew I was talking and going to eat breakfast with his idol, he would scream at me.

I continued walking in silence as I was still shocked at the information.

"Are you okay Rika-san?" Yuki asked.

I gave him a thumbs up as they both laughed at me. I then turned towards Matteo and pointed at him.

"That's why you asked if I wanted to take a photo!" I said, making another discovery.

They both continued laughing as I felt bad not knowing who they were. For feeling bad, I mumbled an apology.

"No, Rika! Don't be! You're probably famous in your work too and we didn't know." Matteo said, smiling at me.

I don't think I'm that famous though. Yes, I made a reputation but famous? I'm not so sure about that.

I just smiled at the comment and continued walking with them.

We finally reached the place and sat down. As I was looking at the menu, I got lost. Matteo saw this and offered to order for me. I agreed and placed the menu back on the table. We all continued talking until the food came. As I dug in, my stomach shed a tear of happiness.

It was delicious.

I wanted to scarf down the food but I realized it would be rude to do so. In the end, I just behaved myself.

"It's so good!" I beamed.

Matteo gave me a 'I told you' look as Yuki smiled.

I suddenly remembered that Ran might be associated with Yuki as I saw him with Ran last night. I gulped down my food and wanted to ask him, but didn't know how to. In the end, I just kept it to myself.

After a while, we all finished eating. Matteo insisted on paying it but I refused because I don't like feeling in debt to a person, even if they're intentions were good. Yuki somehow convinced me in the end and I agreed on one condition; that I'd treat them before I leave. They agreed and paid for the food.

I thanked them once more, before going on our separate ways.

"Thank you so much for today! It was nice meeting you guys. Have a nice practice!" I bowed as they waved at me.

"Thank you, dear. Hope to see you soon!" Matteo smiled as Yuki waved back.

We all said our farewells as I made my way back to the hotel.

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