Chapter One

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The night before was a cozy one. The rain was heavy on the roof in a relaxing pitter-patter rhythm. Y/n was snuggled up by their window reading a romance novel. They couldn't help it, they desired the closeness of another person. Someone they could call their life partner was everything and more to them.

The bedroom door began to twist open. "Y/n, have you packed your bag for tomorrow?"

"Yes mom, please don't worry, I'll be fine!" You reassured her, looking up from your book.

"I know sweetheart, but what if you forget something, and bam!" Your mom clapped her hands together for special effect. "It affects your reputation and you're labeled for the rest of your high school career!"

You chuckle at her worries. "Mama, I swear to you! Everything will be fine, even if I get a reputation- which doesn't matter- I will survive it. No big deal ma!"

Your mom sighs. "Ah honey, you're right, I'm sorry! I'll leave you be it seems you got everything handled." You nod in response and pick up your book again, but you can't help but giggle at the ridiculousness of your mom over-caring.

You were walking to school now, no one on the sidewalk but you. The neighborhood was vastly dead.

Your mind can't help but drift off into fantasy after fantasy. You were so curious as to what your life will be like with friends, popularity, and even a partner!

Your parents seemed fine this morning too, they had wished you off and before you knew it you were halfway to school. You left earlier than you were supposed to, but that was because West told you that on the first day everyone hangs out on the stairs before the doors officially open for the day. The perfect opportunity to make some friends–

You fell over and landed on your back. Looking up, dazed and confused, you bumped into a group of three. You ran into a boy with a skull shirt, he was rather large so he was unaffected by your clumsiness.

You weren't paying attention to your surroundings at all, you should have seen him!

Your face flushed and you quickly got up. The group was now facing you, bewildered that you'd ever talk to the likes of them. I mean the audacity of you!

Next thing you knew, there was a finger in your face as the white-haired girl pointed and accused you of all sorts of heinous things.

"Hey now!" The one you bumped into shouted at the girl. "Sasha!" He snapped and she turned around, face flushed red. "What? Can't you see the blatant disrespect here? They ran into you as if you were a ghost, Gene!"

"Doesn't matter, leave them be." He winked at her and looked at you bemused. "Hello, name's Gene, the others Zenix and Sasha." He pointed at each of them when saying their names.

"Hi," you stuttered out and awkwardly waved. What were you supposed to do in this situation? "Well, I better get going!" You moved away, hoping to make the best out of the awkward encounter.

Gene continued on, ignoring your signaling to leave. "Wait, do you go to Phoenix Drop High?"

"Yes," you hesitantly nodded, not wanting Sasha to get any ideas of what she could do to you at school. You were already afraid of her.

"Well, consider us new friends! You see, we're the Shadow Knights, a small group we've formed at school. We'd love to have someone like you join!" Sasha gave Gene a side glance, confused that he was offering you a chance to join their sacred group.

"O-oh! Thank you so much, I'll definitely take up your offer." Obviously, you had no clue what you were getting yourself into, but hey, new friends! "But, I should really get going now, don't want to be late!" You smiled and sprinted off away from the group, waving at Gene before turning around and focusing your thoughts back on school.

First period has already come and gone. You've made a handful of friends so far, including Aphmau, Teony, and Lucinda! Though, you mainly stuck around Aphmau as it seems you two have a lot of classes together.

Even now, you were both heading to your second class, Algebra 1.

You had to admit though, you hated math, and saw no real purpose in learning it. Even with the best tutors that money could afford you, you still couldn't grasp it.

Sighing at the thought, you alarm Aphmau. "Is everything alright?"

"Huh? Oh! Yes, sorry I was just thinking that I'd much rather be licking the heel of an elephant than go to Algebra." She giggled, she already loved your sense of humor. You two were hitting it off pretty well. In fact, it felt as if she's known you for so long already.

See, your parents were worried for no reason! You already had a close friend, what more could you need?

"Aph, actually uh, do you know where this class is? I just realized we've been walking in circles." Aphmau shook her head no in response. You sigh, "Right, well, let's look for someone who does before we're late."

The two of you head for the first person you see, a boy closing his locker and preparing to head to class before you call out, "Hey! Uh, do you happen to know where class 308 is?"

The boy turns around, "Me? Oh yeah for sure!" He enthusiastically nods and gestures to the two of you to follow him.

"So, freshmen?" He looks at the two of you, but noticeably longer at Aphmau. "Oh yes, that's why we're a little bit lost." Aphmau chuckles out, and you nod at her response. "I'm Laurance by the way."

"I'm Aphmau! This is Y/n, my not-alone buddy" You look away embarrassed she just outed your pact with her, but she continues, "How well do you know Mr. Max?"

Laurance looks straight ahead now, not wanting to bump into anything or anyone. "Yeah, for sure. He's a pretty sick teacher, he actually makes his math classes fun. Thing is though, a lot of the girls gush over him. Who knows, maybe the two of you will too!" He teases, nudging into your side in response to his joke.

You both chuckle, "No! I bet he's old and wrinkly!"

The three of you really hit it off, but just as fast as you guys met, you were already saying goodbye. You were on the third floor now, waving at Laurance as he headed back down the steps towards his class.

The two of you take a seat inside, glancing at each other as you see your stud of a teacher. "Yeah.. maybe Laurance was onto something" You whisper to Aphmau and she nods.

Soon, a football goes soaring across the classroom, it was getting hectic and Mr. Max rushed to get everyone to calm down. Even yelling at the one who threw the ball.

"This is going to be one hell of a class to teach," Mr. Max sighs and begins to call attendance.

Your fifth period ends and you decide to meet back up with Aphmau for lunch. Firstly though, you have to drop a textbook off at your locker, no way were you going to carry this thing everywhere. It was way too heavy.

You note how plain the inside is, it could really use some photos and pizzazz! Imagine this, sparkles everywhere! You couldn't help but chuckle at the thought, deep down you were very childish at heart. You couldn't help it.

You begin to close your locker when all of a sudden it's slammed shut for you. Gene was now leaning against it. "Hey nerd, say, you free after school?"

"Uh, sure! Is everything alright?" You ask, still startled by his haste in shutting the locker.

"Yeah, yeah, you see the gang and I have these tickets to this festival after school, but Zenix being lame as he usually is, had to cancel because his mom's cat is sick or something." Gene rambles on, finally getting to the point. "Well, do you want to come with Sasha and I?"

You beam at the idea, "Of course! I'd love to!" You nod, already invited to hang outside of school on the first day? What a score!

"Great, meet us in the parking lot at 3 P.M." He pats your head and walks off to meet up with Sasha and Zenix. From afar you can hear his delight when he informs them that you agreed.

You can't help but smile. This was going to be one exciting school year, you could already feel it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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