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"I need some air," she said to Anne, who smiled kindly and shook her head slightly at the witch's apologetic expression.

Juliet leant against the wall of the barn where the wedding was to happen, James Roberts had wanted it in London, but Anne had insisted it be at her family's farm, she looked around at the rolling hills and fields and wondered if she would be able to find her way to Remus', whether it was still hidden by a fidelius. 

"Juliet?" A voice asked.

The witch turned around to see Bill Weasley, she smiled politely, shielding her eyes from the sun.

"You're early."

He laughed, "me and Tonks were asked to put some wards up, just as a precaution, y'know?"

The witch nodded and smiled tightly.

"Bridesmaid duties stressing you out?" He asked, pointing at her with his beer bottle.

She laughed and said, "what?"

The man grinned and pulled a packet of cigarettes out of his pocket, offering the witch one. "Anything to get off your chest?" He asked as she took one.

"No, why?" She asked, glancing at him.

He shrugged, "you look upset."

"Do I?"


"It's just a lot," she said, looking up at him. "Lot of muggles, lot of people who know who Juliet Romilly is."

"I don't think anyone minds Juliet Romilly," he laughed.

The witch snorted at that and shook her head, "that's because you're so young, Bill Weasley."

He shook his head back at her and winked, "ah, we're not that far apart."

The witch laughed at the man and smiled, "your parents here?"

"Nah, they don't know Roberts, really."

"I wasn't aware you did."

"Played quidditch at his mates house a few times, Maximus Greene?"

Juliet smiled and nodded, "ah, yes. I've played there too," she said, remembering James taking her there before she started teaching again.

"Yeah," he nodded. "Anyway, I ought to get back," he said, nodding to behind her and putting his hand out. "Remus."

"Bill," the man replied, shaking his hand and then looking down to Juliet, "you alright?"

"See you both later," Bill said, winking at Juliet.

The witch stifled a laugh and looked up to Remus, "thought you'd be at home."

"Wedding starts in an hour," he laughed.

"Merlin... does it? I've just been daydreaming all day."

"Feeling sentimental?"

She sighed, "very much so."

"Me too," he said, reaching into his pocked and pulling out the photograph of James and Lily's wedding. Juliet took it from him and smiled. "Your mind also on this?" He asked.

"Yes," she sighed, stroking over their young faces.

Remus smiled down at the witch sadly and put an arm over her shoulders, pulling her into him a little, "they'd want us to be happy," he muttered into her hair.

"I know."

"Wouldn't want us to rot," he grinned, taking the photo from Juliet and turning it over to show her handwriting.

JULIET {remus lupin}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat