Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety-Three: A lot of Droids!/Scatter!

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Back on Agamar, Kalani explained the rules of battle to Ezra and the others!

Kalani: The objective of this battle is simple... You must fight your way back to my command center and capture it to free your friend!

Omega shrugged, knowing that it's better that Rex leads right now!

Omega: Rex, you've got more battlefield experience than either of us combined... You lead!

Rex sighed, before explaining the rules carefully!

Captain Rex: All right. Our first goal is to get inside the hangar... Kalani is a war machine, programmed to kill, and he's got the numbers and the firepower to do it! Our only chance is to be aggressive, surprise him, and hopefully, put him on the defensive!

Hunter frowned, before asking how many Droids did Rex thought Kalani had planned for them!

Hunter: How many droids do you think he has?

Kaitis rolled his eyes, too many is his guess!

Kaitis: Too many is my guess, you guys...

Just then, Kalani tells them to get ready for the last battle to start!

Kalani: The last battle will begin now!

Rex saw that a column of B1 battle droids were attacking them, proving that Kalani had a lot of Battle Droids!

Captain Rex: A lot! He has a lot of droids!

Kanan frowned, telling Ezra to use the sword and shield maneuver!

Kanan: We've gotta scatter them... Use the sword and shield maneuver!

While Ezra understood what that meant, Kaitis had to explain it to Eldra since she was a little rusty!

Ezra: Got it!

Eldra: Wait... What does that mean?

Kaitis: We block, Rex and the others fire!

Eldra: Oh, right...

Seeing that everyone was on board with the plan, Rex told the others to be ready!

Captain Rex: Everybody ready?

Ezra: Yep!

Captain Rex: Let's go!

Kanan, Ezra, Eldra, and Kaitis deflect the blaster bolts while Omega, Hunter, and Rex hurled Grenades at the Battle Droids! 

Kanan: Ezra, get ready to duck!

Ezra: Okay!

Omega: Now!

Kanan: Again!

Thanks to their plan being put into action, Ezra and the others advanced, shattering the first assault wave! Rex tells Ezra to stay together as they advance into the hangar...

Hunter: That scattered 'em! Everybody forward!

Captain Rex: Ezra, form it up! We've gotta stay together...

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