Shadows of Ourselves

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In the dimly lit library, Riftan, consumed by a sense of foreboding, sought out Maxi, yearning for a fleeting moment of connection.

His footsteps echoed through the somber silence as he entered the room, where shadows clung to the dusty volumes on ancient shelves.

He discovered Maxi engrossed in arcane pursuits, accompanied by Ruth and Bell amidst an atmosphere of mystique. The air seemed thick with secrets, and Riftan's eyes flared with an intensity that matched the flickering candlelight.

His voice, laced with bitterness, sliced through the quiet as he surveyed the oak table adorned with cryptic symbols and scattered grimoires. "What is all this? Are you delving into magic?" The words hung heavy in the air, as if laden with the weight of his unspoken fears.

Ruth, composed and unyielding, explained Maxi's clandestine magical studies. "Her Ladyship has been under my tutelage, unraveling the threads of magic that weave through the cosmos. I am surprised you weren't aware?"

Riftan's anger surged, his blood boiling as he slammed a book onto the table, challenging the mage. "Who granted you permission? Why was I kept in the dark?"

Calmly, Ruth responded, "You were away during the goblin raid when the lessons began. She learns only the basics – defensive and healing spells. A modest effort to aid Anat-"

"Help? I need no help!" Riftan's voice thundered through the room, the tension escalating. He turned to Maxi, attempting to convey his desires. "Maxi, I didn't bring you here for assistance. I want you to live comfortably. Magic is a drain more profound than you realize."

"I-I only wanted to help," Maxi stammered, her grip tightening on the book in her arms.

Riftan, oblivious to the tremor in Maxi's voice, erupted in fury. "I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!" His outburst sent Maxi recoiling in fear, a stark realization dawning on Riftan as he witnessed her terror. "Maxi, I... I didn't mean to reject your support. I just..." His attempt to reach out faltered as Maxi, eyes wide with horror, stepped back, a silent plea lingering in her gaze.

Defeated, Riftan turned away, the door slamming shut behind him, echoing the shattered fragments of their connection.

Maxi, left trembling in the wake of the storm, caught Bell's gaze as she emerged from the shadows, a silent understanding passing between them in the gloom of the forsaken library.

"Hey, Maxi," Bell's gentle voice reached out as she approached the red-haired lady, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. Sensing Maxi's trembling, Bell enveloped her in a warm hug. "Shhh, it's okay. Breathe. Take deep breaths." Maxi followed the instructions, finding solace in the calm voice that held her. "Deep breath in... Deep breath out."


After Maxi's tumultuous emotions settled, Bell smiled, suggesting, "Care to take a walk with me?" The news of Riftan's departure on horseback left Maxi with a worried expression, nervously biting her bottom lip.

Guiding Maxi through the castle grounds, Bell initiated a delicate conversation. "I won't meddle in your marital matters, Maxi. But," she paused, looking at Maxi with a stern gaze, "Have you been abused in the past?"

Maxi's eyes widened in shock, her gaze darting around to ensure privacy. Bell reassured her, "Don't worry, I made sure we're alone." Curious, Maxi asked, "How did you know?"

"Your body language when Riftan yelled at you," Bell replied, gently taking Maxi's hand. "I've been through it too. Whipped and beaten daily at the monastery, they called it induration. No one should endure that."

Maxis eyes widened: „I... d-didn't know.... Y-you are... so f-fierce...." - "I refused to succumb to it. However... it leaves scars on your soul. I won't deny that.", Bell sighed and Maxi nodded, shyly lifting her gaze: "B-Bell, please d-don't... tell R-Riftan...." - "Maxi, I won't tell anyone. Just know that you can talk to me whenever you need to."

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