Naruto shook his head, he will gain Ami's allegiance with him and convince her to join his cause. He'll make sure of it. Because she'll be her empress while he becomes the emperor of Uzushiogakure where the Tsugikuni clan we'll be formed, as a memory to his father. She will come to him. Eventually.

The Sandaime looked at Naruto with questioning eyes. Besides him was another man who was a Kage just like him, the Yondaime Kazekage. Two men wearing ANBU gear stood beside him, they were his bodyguards. The Kazekage was present as his genins had reached the finals. Sunagakure was the only great village to have participated in the exams aside from Konoha, who were the host. It was understandable; the others didn't get well with Konoha.

The look the Sandaime was giving Naruto was pushed because Naruto had disappeared from the village for three weeks after turning down Jiraiya's request. He was curious as to where he had gone to after disappearing. He was positive that Naruto wasn't in the village those three weeks. He had his ANBU search for him and the best sensors but non were able to locate him. His chakra signature disappeared without a trace. And they hadn't been able to get inside Naruto's apartment, not even the Byakugan's could see through the walls of the apartment. He wondered how Naruto was able to create a seal that could make the Byakugan's abilities ineffective. From what he'd observed, Naruto showed no mastery in Fuinjutsu. He didn't have Jiraiya break the seal, knowing that Naruto would have noticed someone breaking into his apartment. He didn't wish to unsettle the blond even further.

Jiraiya suddenly appeared behind the old Hokage with a grin planted on his face. He was to act as the Sandaime's bodyguard in the duration of the finals. "I guess you were right, though I still wonder why he disappeared like that without telling anyone." He said, "Is everything set?" He asked still smiling.

"Yes." Jiraiya replied with a nod. Jiraiya had found out that Orochimaru was planning to invade the village during the finals. They had to make preparations to encounter the threat.

The Sandaime nodded, "Good." He said while his eyes were focusing on the arena.

"It's certainly lively here. Wouldn't you agree Hokage-dono?" The 'Kazekage' spoke. No one could see his face due to the robe he was wearing.

The Sandaime looked at the 'Kazekage' and smiled, "It certainly is."

Before the conversation between the Kages could've gone further before a man appeared before the Hokage. He had shoulder-length brown hair which hanged about his face with brown eyes. He wore a forehead protector like a bandanna, and a standard jonin outfit and a senbon in his mouth.

"Should I start the finals, Hokage-sama?" The man asked. The Sandaime nodded in approval. All the contestants were already present along with other important people. There was no need to keep the crowd waiting any longer. He was surprised that Kakashi brought Sasuke in time for the finals. He had thought the jonin would've been late along with Sasuke which was why he made the preparations for Kakashi if he didn't arrive on time. He couldn't be more faulted about that given Kakashi's laid-back attitude.

Genma stepped forward and jumped at the middle on the arena in front of the contestants. He smiled at them before looking at the crowd, which had become settled.

"Welcome everyone." He said loudly for everyone to hear him, "My name is Genma Shiranui, proctor of the finals. I'd would like to welcome all of you to Konoha's chunin selection exam finals!" Genma yelled out to the crowd who screamed with cheers, "We'll now begin the matches between the contestants that have worked hard reaching towards the finals to the tournament!" Genma said and made his way over to the proctors seat.

He looked at the contestants, "Contestants of the first match, Tsugikuni Michikatsu, Hyuuga Neji. The rest of the contestants please go back the contestant's booth." The rest of the contestants left the arena. Sasuke shot Naruto a glance before leaving. He had trained hard and gotten strong during his time with Kakashi. He wanted to test the power he gained against Naruto. Naruto was the only person strong enough to earn a fight from him. The exam brought a good chance for him to fight him.

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