Chopper, The Monster of Drum Island

Start from the beginning

Chess: There is no helping it, sir. They are the fiercest animals on the island 


Meanwhile, in the castle. 

After Chopper treated Sanji and Luffy, and Dr Kureha treated Nami.

After the treatment, Rimuru is alseep on a chair next to Nami while Chopper is preparing to make medicine for her.

Nami woke up and noticed Chopper. 

Nami: Hello?

Started by Nami suddenly waking up, Copper bumps into a book shelf, then runs to the doorway and hid incorrectly. 

Nami: I think you got that backward. The hiding thing, I mean

Frightened by Nami, Chopper fixed his position and hid correctly. 

Nami: Well, that is better, but it's a little late at this point. And I can still see you

Chopper: SHUT UP LADY!! Oh, and can you tell me how your fever is doing

Nami: Huh!?

Rimuru: whu? Nami?

Rimuru woke up and a little groggy after chopper shouted.



Chopper got spooked by Rimuru suddenly shouting and stumbled backward, crashing into furniture. 


Rimuru: im so happy you're awake, Nami 

Nami: Where are we

Kureha: Couldn't you tell? Your friend brought you here in the castle to get you treated

Kureha came into the room after Chopper made a mess.

Nami: So you're the witch?

Kureha touched Nami's forehead and drank a bottle of alcohol. 

Kureha: Yes, and you can call me doctorine. Hmm, it seems that your temperature has gone down several degrees

Nami: What about Sanji and Luffy?

Rimuru: Oh, don't worry about them. They're asleep in another room

Dr. kureha then explained to Nami how she got sick and that she needed to rest for a couple of days, and when Nami objects to the idea of staying, Dr. Kureha threatened Nami.

Rimuru diffused the situation and winked at Nami as if to tell Nami to let her handle the situation. 

Chopper suddenly bursts into the room with Luffy trying to eat him and Sanji trying to cook him.

Chopper suddenly bursts into the room with Luffy trying to eat him and Sanji trying to cook him

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