II - What is a Montenegrin ?

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Objectively, A Montenegrin man and woman is a member of the Slavic people, they speak a slavic language, they follow what would be considered a slavic religion and contain the average slavic mindset and attributes. However, Montenegrins have a very un-slavic school of thought, that isn't seen in the slavic world, or at the very least among the slavs in the Balkan peninsula.

They are very Liberal when it comes to following authority, religious or governmental. Through out history, whether because of geography or outside influence, they have split themselves into tribes and become loyal to said tribe, the wish for unity was always a dream in the area of Montenegro and has been finally, but partially achieved. The tribal mindset is still there, the lack of authoritarian respect is still present and alive, for not even the church can tame the "noble savage"

Despite all these attributes, Montenegrins revel and actively search out for a willing leader. A leader who will represent them, who will be them in more than spirit. The Bonfire Movement considers that if a leader does not do their duties as leader of the people, that he should be treated as a homemade traitor, and dealt as such. This is only natural for the Montenegrin head-space, rebellion is in the soul, it is, at the of the day, Montenegrin and therefore justified

These beatiful mountains have given birth to not just the greatest of heroes, but also the worst of scum, as a result of their Slavic and Dinaric blood.

Myth is weaved in the Montenegrin blood, Freedom is weaved alongside it, making a sturdy rope of Nationalism, one simply needs to ignite it, and ignite it we shall

So believing in the concept of brotherhood that it fails to see the obvious danger in its front door, like a frog slowly being boiled alive before the panic and death set in, do the mountain people not have a right to fight and oppress does who oppressed them? An old blood revenge that still exists. It really isn't the competence of the enemy, but the incompetence of ourselves, no better than a dying, sick old man.

Adventure is In the blood of every man, but in a Montenegrin, its in his very fabric, the cells that manifest a man and the shape he or she takes. Is there more to be said? Has the point not been made? No, it has not. Words are only as good as the actions accompanied by it, words shouldn't come from the mouth but by the hands, your mouthpiece is your fists. Use it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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