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Vanessa Emerald POV

Vanessa Emerald POV

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As far as I know, the night is already deep.
Not a single trace of moonlight graces the path I'm navigating, and despite my attempt to seek solace in the stars above, there is nothing to be seen. It's a complete darkness, yet, I see myself clearly.

Where on earth am I?
How did I find myself in this bewildering place?

Hold on, what could that be?
It's as if there's an indistinct murmur in the surroundings, yet its origin eludes me.


I anxiously scanned every corner, desperately searching where that voice came from. My heart raced, beating with an unsettling intensity.

An eerie feeling settled in—it's not just a normal unease; it's as if some imminent danger lurks nearby, waiting for the right moment.

Fear gripped me suddenly, and in response, I found myself instinctively wrapping my arms around me, as if seeking protection from the unseen threat.

The solitude feels overwhelming, and a sense of hopelessness washes over me.


I drew in a deep breath, captivated by the softness of that voice.

Her voice.. calling my name.

It may sound gentle, but an inexplicable intuition hints at an underlying danger, casting a shadow over its seemingly serene facade.

It sent shivers down my spine, creating a paradoxical mix of unease.... and longing?

It felt as though I had yearned for this moment, as if the mere sound of her voice ignited a deep yearning within me.

I found myself craving to see her, desiring to be enveloped in her arms.

The emotions swirling within me are perplexing, leaving me in a state of confusion and longing for her presence.


At her beckoning, I shifted my gaze to the side and, the transition from obscurity, to a dense forest is abrupt and bewildering.

A shiver run through my entire being as I cautiously treaded in a particular direction, uncertain of my surroundings.

Eventually, the outlines of TWO figures emerged in the distance.

With each step, my anticipation heightened, and my senses seemed to sharpen. As I draw nearer, the once obscure figures gradually took on clearer and more pronounced forms, becoming increasingly vivid in my perception.

I was utterly startled by the shocking sight that unfolded before me!

There, lay a woman on the ground, appearing lifeless and completely splayed out. Her complexion is pallid, her head tilted to the side, and her eyes were unnaturally wide open, almost as if they were fixed on me!

My hands quivered as I covered my mouth in disbelief! The shock of the scene sinking in!

They were both naked, and my gaze shift to the woman on top, who is engaging in a disturbing motion, as if grinding on the inert body beneath her.

It was as though she was performing some action, yet the person lying down remained completely unresponsive, not showing the slightest reaction!

I know how it's crazy as it may sound, but, the woman later arch her body as if she reach her  orgasm   and her moan... her moan sounds like waves to my ears that calms me and, I am more confuse right now!

Suddenly, in the mere blink of an eye, I found myself unclothed beneath her!

Did that voice truly originate from her?!

I tried to let out a scream when I felt her hand cup my face, but my attempts were futile—silence prevailed!

I strained to focus on her, yet her visage remained elusive, shrouded in a perplexing blur!

Why does she recognize me? And why do I sense a strange willingness to fulfill whatever role she envisions for me?

It's almost as if my current submissive state results from a conscious surrender to her influence.

Who is this woman?

Why does she persistently intrude into the realm of my dreams?

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