I Hope I See Him Again

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You sit on your bed looking at your slightly ajar door. Your hands rub the pink-flowered bed covers, fidgeting with the lace ends of the covers. Slowly you lift yourself from your bed to tiptoe over to the door. From the outside of your room, someone would have only seen one of your (e/c) eyes scanning the small living room and kitchen.

"Knucks, I already told you. It's supposed to be stealthy." Rebel scolds the red echidna who is leaning against the kitchen wall. Rebel is at the stove probably cooking our meal for today.

"Right right. That's only a batty way of lookin' at things. I'll go along with it so nobody gets hurt." Knucks arms are crossed. Only one eye is open to look at Rebel as they talk.

You see Rebel's arm turn the stove off and goes on to hold the hot pot with two mittens. She stares at Knucks through the water vapor from the hot pot. "It's adorable how you think I would need your help. You're the one who's gonna need help, especially since the aim of the game is to be stealthy." She grins at Knucks. You giggle a little at Knucks red face and widen eyes. "Hey-"

"Quiet Knucks, I think (y/n) might be listening." He glances at the door before he's able to counter Rebel's remark from earlier. Quickly you scurry to your bed and snuggle up nice and tight in your sheets. With your eyes now shut, you start to hear the door creak open.

"(y/n)?" A gruff voice asks, "you awake?" His steps slowly get closer. Trying to find an excuse to open your eyes, stretch out your arms and yawn as if just waking up. You slightly open your eyes to see Knucks over you with his arms crossed. "H-hi Knucks..." You give him a lazy smile.

"(y/n), why are you still awake this late at night?" He didn't buy your act you guessed.

"Hm? Oh, well you woke me up when you came in." You sit up on your bed.

"I know that that's not true. If you were actually asleep, the bed would be messed up by now." He definitely had you beat. That's what happens when someone basically raises you.

"Knucks, I just wanted to hear what you guys had planned for tomorrow's attack!" You stopped for a second trying to keep your voice down, "I want to go and help you guys this time. I don't like worrying as I mend to those in the medical room."

"That is definitely out of the question and you know that. We can't have you get hurt again. Last time you faced a gruesome scene, you fainted." You watch as Knucks sat next to you on your bed. It sank a bit more because of his weight. He placed his hand on yours in an attempt to comfort you. "But-"

"No buts young lady." My ears go down when I hear Rebel's authoritative voice. She could get people to shut up just as easily if she was a bit calmer, everyone will still respect her. "Knucks and I already decided that you wouldn't go on any missions with us due to last time's incident." She comes to you and pulls you into a hug. "I- We just don't want you to get hurt." You turn your head down, eyes focused on your white socks. "But..." The warmth of the two began to leave. "I've grown since then..." Was all you were able to muster up as the pair left your room.

You look to the side of your bed to where your mirror was and start to walk toward the vanity. Looking intently at yourself through the mirror, a faint hint of blood catches your eye. You reach with your left hand to touch the small cut left by the fox boy you met earlier. Even though you couldn't see how you got this cut, you were certain it was when you tumbled down. That fox boy's metal legs must've cut you accidentally.

"I'm sure I'm strong enough to deal with a little fight...maybe those two are just over protective." As you continued to gaze into your reflection, you fix your hair a bit and straightened up. Sure, you may have still been in your strawberry pajamas but you saw yourself as more grown up than ever. "That fox boy..." You remember back to his attitude and bad manners yet... "I wonder if I'll see him again...it's kinda rare to see someone my age." The Rebellion did not like recruiting those under the age of 17, and the Rebellion recruits are the only people you really talk to.

"I hope I see him again..."

That Fox Boy (Nine x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن