Before flying up towards her direction and immediately begins to shoot flaring sticks that are glowed up high in flames right at her chest!

"Arghhhh!!!!!!" Twilight screamed in howling rage as her magic portal slowly closes up until there was nothing left but swayed currents of water in it's formation.

"You fools! This.... isn't...the end of...oh boy." Twilight huffed out slowly before passing out in the water.

Resulting in all of her magic, gone from everything and everyone.

Including the forcefield cage, which now quickly disappeared into thin air.

Before Chip immediately fell hard from the sky like a shooting star.

Until he was ultimately plunged into the water.

Causing him to lose unconscious from the heavy impact of the gravity in the water!

"Chip!" Dale yelled out in a panic.

Before taking a deep breath and immediately jumps off of the plane.

He was not about to lose him again.

And took the next brave step to making sure that won't happen.

"Dale wait!" Gadget tried to say but was too late as Dale quickly sinks into the depths of the sea.

In a race against time to keep that very promise.


As Dale dives deeper and deeper into the dark murky ocean.

Looking for a sign that Chip is somewhere in the middle of its abyss.

Until he finally notices a small figure, about the size of his own height and immediately knew that it was him.

As he quickly scoops him up with one hand and pulls them both back up to the surface.

With enough strength to bring them at the edge of the pier and lays him down first before climbing onto the plank wood, himself.

"Pant. Chip. Pant. Can you hear me?" Dale asked in pants from all of the heavy swimming while checking his pulse with one hand and his other hand on his cold cheek.

Before realizing that something was wrong, the moment he felt low and weak heartbeats.

"No...No! No! No! Chip, don't do this to me. Not now. Please... get up." Dale mumbled while immediately starting many sets of deep compressions to the chest while giving out various breath techniques to his lungs.

But even with the correct amount of CPR performances.

It was not changing his weak pulse or the amount of water that was engulfed in his body.

As Dale soon begin to lose the last bit of his hope.

Like a petal on a fragile rose in the winter season.

And started to cry.

"Wake up. Sniff. I need you....Chip, I love you so much. I can' without you." Dale sobbed while a rush of heavy tears fell from his eyes in a heave.

Believing that he couldn't save him.

Until he suddenly heard coughing and looked over to see that Chip was able to chug out enough water to clear up his lungs.

"Cough! Cough! Ugh....My head." Chip groaned while rubbing his forehead before looking over at Dale and widened his eyes.

"Dale..." He mumbled out right before Dale quickly sat him up and immediately hugged him around his neck.

While managing to hold onto every bit of him, tightly.

"Sniff. Please...don't ever do that again." Dale sobbed.

"Sorry.... I didn't mean to worry you.
Heh, you did the same thing on our first case together, remember?" Chip pointed out with a small laugh, hoping to relieve some of the pain that they were both feeling right now.

"Don't you dare compare that to what happened tonight. At least I had a pin with me. You had nothing.....and even fell into the ocean. If I haven't managed to find you in all of that water, it could've killed you. And then..... I wouldn't know what to do with myself." Dale sobbed as Chip immediately placed a hand on his cheek.

"Hey...look at me. I'm not going anywhere...I'm right here." Chip soothed out softly, while wiping away the running hot tears from his face before leaning their heads close.

"Sniff. I know. I'm just glad that this is over. still have your memories back." Dale mumbled before holding onto his hand and closed his eyes in a sign of relief.

" that you mentioned it, I did feel like, I may have forgotten one thing." Chip spoke out with a soft grin.

"Huh?! Which one? The part about our mission o...or the time that we..." Dale asked in a frantic panic, not realizing that it was only a playful tease.

Until he was interrupted when Chip suddenly leans forward and kisses him on the lips.

"Did I ever forget to tell you that I love you?" Chip asked with a glowing smile.

Which made Dale happier than he ever felt since the moment he knew he fell in love with him.

"No. But I'm glad that you're reminding me." Dale said while gently holding his face before the two kissed with all of their hearts as the peak of the sunset now shines on the two of them in the glow of its horizon.

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