"Doesn't really spring to mind. Did I win?" Griffin asked hopefully. 

"What do you think?" Harper teased. Griffin's face fell. 

"Hell no, I probably got my ass beat." Griffin sighed. Harper chuckled lightly. 

"Well, yeah, but it was pretty impressive. You got some moves, Campbell, just not enough to take down that guy. But you're gonna have those scars to show for it." Harper teased lightly. Griffin sighed. 

Silence for a moment. Blood on Harper's sleeve caught his attention. He grabbed her arm, worried and looked up at her with fear in his eyes. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, scared. 

"What? Oh yeah, I'm fine, that's your blood. Yeah, you were leaning on my shoulder last night so you didn't fall, and some must've got on my sleeve. No biggie." Harper assured. 

"Wait, was in the bed the whole night?" Griffin asked. 

"Yes, why?" Harper asked, confused. 

"Where'd you sleep?" Griffin asked, feeling bad. 

"Well, I wasn't gonna sleep on the floor. I just slept in the bed with you." Harper said nonchalantly. Griffin's eyes widened. He'd slept with Harper.......GET YOUR DIRTY MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER, they ACTUALLY slept. 

"So we slept in t-the s-same b-bed tog-gether last n-night?" Griffin stuttered out. Cool it, Campbell! 

"Yeah, so?" Harper asked. Silence. Moments later Griffin became more aware of his surrounding. He gasped and looked under the blankets. He was left in his boxers. 

"Where are my clothes?" Griffin asked, in a panic. "Did you....?" 

"Ew, no. You stripped down to your unmentionables, okay. I wanna make that clear. I was joking and said I didn't want your filthy clothes in my clean bed and you threw them off, got in the shower, and then dove into my bed, soaking wet." Harper explained, trying to hide her laugh. 

"Huh." Was all Griffin could say. 

"Yeah, it was kind of dramatic." Harper let out a chuckled. Griffin smiled lightly, but it was cut off and his face was adorned with a strong wince. 

"Ouch." Griffin muttered. He tried to shift to get comfortable but to no avail. It only made it worse and tears sprung to his eyes. Harper sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at him, worried. 

"Hey, you okay? What's wrong?" Harper asked with concern etched into her features. 

"I can't get comfortable." Griffin sighed with a pout. 

"Of course you can't, you're a mess!" Harper exclaimed. Griffin looked down, shamefully. 

"Ouch, that stings a little, Harper." Griffin said sadly. 

"Well you shouldn't have got into trouble! Seeing that happen, it was just so hard to watch. I didn't know what to do. You're always looking out for me, and then as soon as you get into trouble, what am I supposed to do? I'm such a useless friend!" Harper lamented. 

"Hey, Harper, you are not a useless friend. You got me here, you got me patched up, and you got me to relax. That's all that needed to happen. Its not your fault about the fight. What did you wanna do, break apart the fight? Cause it wouldn't have worked. I'm stubborn, you know that. I would've accidentally done something I'd regret, to you, and that would've hurt me more that that fight ever could've. Speaking of which, how did the fight even start?" Griffin asked. Harper looked away from Griffin. "Hey, Harper. How'd it start? It's okay, you're okay." 

The girl sighed and met his eyes once more. 

"Some guy was hitting on me and when I tried to walk away, he grabbed my ass. And right as I was about to slap him, I turn around and you already punched him in the face at least 4 times. Mind you, I didn't even know you were there yet! And here you were, beating the shit out of the guy. You were doing good at first, until he grappled you and that's where the fight took a turn for you." Harper sadly explained. Griffin's jaw tightened in anger at the guy with every word Harper told. Harper noticed the angry features in Griffin's face. She'd never seen him like that. He looked almost.....mean. She looked away, sniffling. Griffin's face immediately softened. 

"Harper, hey, its alright. Everything's fine. That guy won't bug you again, you're okay, I'm okay, everything's alright, Harp." Griffin comforted. 

"But you're not okay, Griffin! It's hard to see you like this, in pain. I just want you to be okay the whole thing is my fault-" Harper ranted. 

"Hey, how is any of this your fault?" Griffin asked. 

"I shouldn't have asked you to come pick me up and-" Harper tried, but was cut off by Griffin again. 

"Harper, I'm glad I was there. That guy was an asshole! I don't know what he would've done to you if I wasn't there. None of this is your fault, if anything I'm glad I showed up in time." Griffin protested. 

"There you go again, only thinking about others. Griffin, you're laying in my bed looking like a piece of roadkill, and all you can think about is if I am okay." Harper sniffled. 

"I care about you." Griffin blushed. 

"Yeah, well I care about you too! I don't want anything to happen to you. When the fight broke out, all I could think about was what I would do if I lost you. You've always been here for me, no matter what it was." Harper blushed as well. "You know, people were asking if you were my boyfriend last night." 

Griffin chuckled. 

"What'd you say?" Griffin asked. 

"Well obviously I told them we were just best friends. I've seen the girls you date, I know you wouldn't be interested in me." Harper muttered that last part. 

"What'd you say?" Griffin asked, feigning confusion. In reality, he'd heard every word. 

"Oh, nothing." Harper blushed and looked away. Griffin winced and moved his hand around in the light. 

"You okay?" She asked, worried. 

"My hand." Griffin sighed. 

"Let me see." Harper sighed, grabbing his hand. She looked at it and made sure everything was okay, but Griffin began pulling her in. "What-what a-are you d-doing?" 

She was now inches from his face. Griffin looked at her lips before meeting her eyes again. He leaned in and his eyes fluttered shut at his warm lips met hers. Harper melted into the kiss. They pulled away after a few seconds. 

"Why did you do that?" Harper asked gently. 

"I like you, Harp." Griffin confessed. 

"Don't mess with me." Harper playfully rolled her eyes. 

"I'm not, I promise." Griffin said. She smiled down at him. 

"I like you too." Harper confessed. 

"I know." Griffin laughed. Harper sighed and rolled her eyes, playfulness shining through. Griffin set his hand on her thigh and she smiled again. "Will you go out with me?" 

"Of course. Where you wanna go?" Harper smiled brightly. 

"Well first, we should go to the hospital because I feel like I'm dying." Griffin said, only half joking. Him and Harper shared a laugh before kissing once more. 

"Hospital it is." Harper smiled. 



Love that Lasts (SOSS) (Harper x Griffin) (Oneshots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang