Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke up late to the telephone ringing next to me. My eyes filled with tears and my face stiff. I was still wearing the suit from last night and I tasted alcohol on my tongue. Last night's event came at me quickly and I turned towards the phone.

Picking up the phone, I cleared my throat and rubbed my eyes.

"Hello?" I said and my voice sounded strange to me.

"Jack, I'm sorry." I heard Rose's voice.

"How did you get my number?" I smiled to myself, accepting her apology.

"The phone book. Jack listen, my outbursts last night were uncalled for. I was just so surprised to see you. So, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Rose." I said and looked at the clock that read 12:36. I slept in and with that I sighed. "Look, would you like to invite Gorge to my home so I can speak to the both of you. He is involved in this too."

"No, he's not. We had a large fight the other night. It was pretty bad and he left to blow off some steam. Maybe he just won't know." She whispered and I felt guilty again. It was my fault for their fight and I gripped the phone tighter until my fingertips became white from the pressure.

"Alright." I smiled to myself. After giving her my address, I hung up and went straight to my bathroom to get ready.

After some time, I dressed in a fresh suit and stayed in my sitting room, looking over the newspaper. I couldn't focus and my hands shook. I waited for my butler to come up and tell me that she arrived.

My prayers were answered when I heard a light knock. The butler's face appeared and I called him in.

"A woman named Rose Dawson is here?" He said confused.

"Yes, I'll be down there in a minute." I said and he left without another word. I threw down the paper and came up to the mirror. After I fixed my hair, I headed down.

Walking slowly, I found her in my foyer looking at my paintings that hung on display. She looked fondly at the one of her with her red hair flowing while she stood on the ship with her arms out. This was my first painting of her and it was my favorite.

"I see you enjoy this one." I smiled and she turned to me. Her hair was up in a bun and a hat perched over her. She wore a green, flapper dress that matched her eyes. Her gloved hands clutching a small purse.

"It's me, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is." I grinned, my cheeks burning.

"You are a wonderful artist, Mr. Big Artist." She said in a mocking French voice. I laughed and took her arm in mine.

"I want to show you something." I said quietly and walked her up the stairs.

We came up to my studio that held all of my paintings. I opened the French double doors doors and fallowed her inside.

On every wall was all of my paintings, most finished. They were all of her or the Titanic and she held her mouth. She gasped at all of them and looked at each one with loving eyes. Her and the Titanic were the only things I could paint to let my feelings out and on rare occasions I enjoy to paint custom pieces for clients.

"Jack, my goodness." She smiled and came up to one of the grand staircase where a couple were kissing by the clock.

"Who are they?" She grinned.

"My friend Fabrizio and his love Helga." I explained and she traced her gloved hand over there faces. Forever, they were together.

"I'm sorry about him, Jack." She said and gave me a long hug. I felt the sadness build up in me, but having Rose with me made me feel better.

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