🩵chapter 1🩵

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Hi my name is Andrea Marie Gonzalez I am a single mom to Julia Marie Gonzalez she's 3 years old. My husband was a overseas in Afghanistan and have been married for 4 years met in high school became high school sweethearts had Julia when they finished college he got accepted into the military and deployed in Afghanistan since. comes home for the holidays if they let him sadly 3 years ago he passed away fighting for his country everything hasn't been the same since enjoy my life story.

It is 3 years later Andrea and Julia live in a apartment with Taylor she's been a big help with everything that happend. Travis and his family helps aswell when she needs it.

Her mental health isn't the best she works at Starbucks and gets payed good. When she gets shifts Julia is taken care of by Mrs kelce or Travis when he doesn't have practice.

Andrea has a shift right now and is getting ready for work.

Hey u working today?

Yes ma'am why

Oh ok just wondering who's watching Julia?

Mrs kelce said she could because u have interviews. right?

Yes I do I have alot of meetings and interviews today.

Okay cool can u by any chance make her breakfast really quick?

Yes I will

She gets Julia and they go downstairs she makes her cereal and hands it to her she eats and they hear the doorbell ring Taylor walks to the door and opens it and it's Mrs kelce she smiles at her.

Hey hon

Hey Mrs kelce hru

Good what about you?

Good Julia just finished eating breakfast Andrea is upstairs getting ready for work.

Okay thy

Mrs kelcee

She runs to her Donna picks her up and smiles at her.

Hey Donna hru

Good what about you?

Good well everything is the same make yourself at home love u baby girl.

Love u too mommy

Andrea gives Julia a kiss on the cheek and she walks to her car and unlocks the door and gets in and turns on the car and drives to Starbucks and parks she has everything and goes inside.

Hey Andrea

Hey Lydia hru

Good and you

Good just left Julia with Mrs kelce while I leave for work.

Nice it's been slow since 12 pm

Okay thysm

Andrea and Lydia Chat while they wait for costumers a guy walks over with sunglasses on and asks for a coffe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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