Love lives. With a momojirou touch

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Ochaco POV:

"Hey Ochaco!" Momo cried to me as Tsu and I entered the classroom. Momo was already with Kyoka. Who also smiled and waved at us.

"Hey Momo, hi Kyoka. Nice to see you, what brings you here so early Kyoka. Normally you're pretty late. Or has a new year been a new you?" I asked the purple haired girl who started fiddling with her jacks nervously.

"You could say that." Kyoka replied nervously. The four of us parted ways to our desks as we waited for everyone else to arrive. Mina arrived with Sero wrapping his arms around her waist. They cuddled each other, and I felt myself grow envy and jealousy. Was I jealous of their relationship, did I want a relationship? I felt my feelings grow stronger before Tsu tapped my shoulder.

'You okay?' She mouthed and I quickly nodded. She gave me a questioning look before turning to face the front again as Mr Aizawa arrived.

"Good Morning Sir." We all greeted him monotonously as he entered, still in his tired and bored state.

"Welcome back students, do what you want today. Just don't kill anyone." He crawled into the same yellow sleeping bag as we all looked at each other awkwardly. What now?

"So what did you do over holidays Yaomomo?" Tsu asked the ravenette who looked just as nervous as Kyoka.

"Hold onto that thought, me and Jirou have to go to the bathroom." She quickly got up as Kyoka followed her out the classroom.

"Wonder what that's about kero?" Tsu turned to me as she said this I nodded in agreement not paying attention to what she said. I was still looking at Mina and Sero, Mina fawning over Sero's muscular build. My eyes trailed to Tooru and Ojiro, Tooru playing with Ojiro's tail. I bit my lip bitterly. How much I wanted a relationship. Wanted someone to love who would love me back.

"I know that look." Tsu sighed I turned to look at her.

"What do you mean Tsu?" I asked her

"You're thinking about your love life again aren't you kero? I told you it's not non existent you'll find somebody Ochaco. You're kind and caring, if no girl wants you it's on them." I smiled at my friend who smiled back before turning to look at Tokoyami who was talking with Aoyama.

"So I'm guessing you still got that crush on him?" I asked her teasingly with a smirk.

"Shhhh. He could hear you but yes, it never left. I wonder if he can kiss." I let Tsu think to herself as I watched the minutes slowly pass before lunch. Momo and Kyoka finally arrived from their hours long bathroom trip, both were red in the face.

"What took you so long." I asked them, both just stuttered before replying.

"We met someone along the way and got pulled into a long conversation." I nodded, it was an obvious lie, but I wouldn't press them to tell the truth, I'm not Mina.

"I bet they're together." I heard a mutter next to me, it was Tsu. She was smirking at the two. Quietly I agreed, there is no way the two aren't together but then again, they've never done anything more than friend worthy, so maybe not.

"Either way Tsu I think it's best if we wait for them to announce it, plus Momo is most likely straight and Kyoka would be with Denki." I told her. I tried concentrating on the board at the front but I couldn't. Was everybody dating? No they weren't dating, why would they be? They're both straight.

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