Chapter Twenty-Two: Evening Crashing

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Wednesday, Lowsun 14th, 2184 

"We're back!" Lee called as she bound through our dorm room door, pulling Hayden and Willow with her. 

"Why did we have to walk so much?" Willow whined as she limped through the door.  

"Do you want an ice bath too?" I asked from the kitchen. I turned the sink off and walked to the living room with a big bucket of water. I set it down in front of Kennedy and Tami. 

"Thanks Eva." Tami said as I froze part of the water to make it an ice foot bath for the two of them. 

"No problem." I replied, whipping my forehead. 

"Yeah, that would be nice." Willow said crashing on the couch with Tami and Kennedy. "We did a stupid amount of walking." 

"Hey, it wasn't that much." Lee called from the kitchen, "It was the normal amount of walking you'll be doing for the rest of the year." 

"WHAT?!?!" Willow cried, sitting up. "I got 15,247 steps today! That's normal for you guys?" 

"Lee, don't tell her that!" Hayden called to her from another couch, "We took her for the Earth bender special, that's not normal." 

"Lee! How dare you!" Willow cried, "I'm dying here!" 

"You'll be fine." Taylor said from the doorway, Jinn on her tail. Jinn shuffled in and collapsed on Hayden. 

"Woah! Do you mind?" he said, throwing his hands up as Jinn cuddled up to him. 

"Nope." He grumbled into Hayden's chest. 

"Ok, you're being a cuddle bug then." Hayden sighed and settled back into the couch, wrapping and arm around Jinn. 

"What was..." I whispered to Lee. 

"No idea." She whispered back. 

"Ok then, that happened." Taylor said, walking into the kitchen. "How was your day? I hope it was better than mine." She sat down on a bar stool. 

"Why? What happened?" I asked, turning to the sink to start on the dishes from the past few nights. 

"Not a whole lot, but we ran into Jasper again. I swear, that kid knows where Jinn is at all times." She sighed, putting her head in her hands. 

"Wait, why were you with Jinn? Weren't you supposed to be with Ezra?" I asked, opening the dish washer to load dishes inside. 

"You didn't hear?" she asked looking up, "I thought we told everyone in the GC today? He got hurt and had to go to the infirmary." 

"What did he do?" I asked, pulling out a rack and organizing plates. 

"I don't know, I didn't see it, but it was during one of the drills we were doing against the Air benders. I just went with Jinn and Kennedy for the rest of the afternoon. Kennedy came back from supper early though, that's why she's here." She explained. 

"Ok, but I didn't get any notifications from the GC all day. I have notifications on vibrate and it should've buzzed my leg." I reached into my pocket and took out my phone. Sure enough, there were a few notifications from The Team Avatar group chat and I hadn't felt when it buzzed. 

"Huh, they're there. I guess I just didn't feel it." I shrugged and turned back to the dishes, "Anyway, how was the rest of the day, besides Ezra getting hurt and you guys running into Jasper?" 

"It was good, I just followed them around watching their bending drills. It was really cool, actually." She said, "I did a lot of sitting though and I just wanna crash now cause of how tiring all the training looked." 

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