let the right one in

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Anna is still at Jeremy's room where Jeremy tries to convince her to turn him but she does not agree with it. Elena knocks the door to ask Jeremy's help on checking all the windows due to the storm and Anna disappears before she opens the door.

Frederick wants to go hunting with Anna but Pearl does not allow him to. While Pearl plans her next trip into town where she will continue her research on how to get their town back, Frederick allies with the rest of the vampires who are all want to take their revenge on the Salvatore brothers and humans now and do not want to wait.

Damon explains Pearl's plan to Stefan and Elena cannot believe that he made a deal with her. Damon leaves and Stefan promises Elena to handle the situation.

Anna and Jeremy meet at the Grill where Jeremy tries once again to convince Anna to turn him. She asks him to keep her secret from everyone and she sees his bracelet with the vervain that Elena gave him. Jeremy offers to give it to her since she likes it so much but she gives it back to him and asks him to keep wearing it. Pearl gets into the Grill to find and take Anna and Anna gets up to walk away from Jeremy sending him a text to explain that her mother walked in. On their way out they run into Mayor Lockwood and Tyler. The Mayor asks them not to go out in the storm and invites them to join them for dinner but Pearl declines. She hears his name on her way out and changes her mind coming back.

Meanwhile, Stefan is weakened by the fight with Frederick and Bethanne and goes out for hunting alone. Frederick and the other vampires find him, they stab him in the gut and take him to their house. Damon worries about Stefan not coming back home and not answering his phone and goes to Elena to ask if he is there. He suspects that Stefan has been taken by Pearl's vampires and his suspicions are confirmed when he visits the house and Frederick answers the door. They show him Stefan who is wounded but Damon can't enter the house to help him without invitation.

Damon tells Elena that Stefan is in the house but he cannot get in. Elena wants to go herself but Damon stops her. He knows that they have to save Stefan but does not know how. They go to school to ask Alaric's help since he knows about vampires, has weapons and the ring that protects him. Alaric denies to help them but he accepts when Damon tells him that Pearl can lead him to Isobel.

Meanwhile, the vampires keep torturing Stefan by stringing him up on vervain-laced ropes and stabbing him. One of the vampires shows up and tries to stop them since Pearl would not agree to this but the other vampires tie him up as well and stake him on the legs.

Damon and Alaric make their plan while Elena insists to go into the house with them. Damon refuses and explains her why she cannot get into that house that is, in case she does not know, full of vampires. Elena can drive the car but she has to stay in it while the two of them try to help Stefan.

Alaric knocks on Pearl's door and when Frederick answers he tells him that he needs to use his phone because his car broke down. Frederick lets him in and when Alaric is led to the kitchen, he stakes the vampire who is there and leads Miss Gibbons to the door but she refuses to invite Damon in since she is compelled not to do it. Damon asks if there are any other living people who live in this house and when he is sure that there are not, he breaks her neck and gets in.

Back at the Grill, Pearl tries to get as many details as she can from the Mayor about his family at the dinner. Anna and Jeremy exchange texts from across the room but Pearl notices and asks the Mayor who is the boy. He tells her that his name is Jeremy Gilbert. Pearl follows Anna to the ladies' room and confronts her about Jeremy. She tells her the Gilbert family is the reason she was trapped in the tomb for over a century and asks her to stop seeing him because when he finds out what she is he will turn on her. Anna reveals that Jeremy already knows and Pearl slaps her. Anna walks out of the Grill texting Jeremy: "I'll do it".

Damon keeps looking for Stefan killing some other vampires in the process. Alaric returns to the car but Elena is not there so he goes back to the house knowing that she went there to help Stefan. Elena sneaks into the basement getting herself in trouble before Damon appears to save her. They find Stefan and they freed him. Damon goes to distract Frederick, who already got suspicious that something is going on, while Elena helps Stefan to get out.

Damon fights with Frederick and two other vampires when Alaric shows up to help him. Frederick escapes and Damon searches the house to find him but he is not there. They try to get out to head to the car but a bunch of vampires appear and they return in. Pearl and Anna return home to find them inside. Damon explains what happened before he and Alaric walk out the door, leaving Pearl and Anna behind with all the vampire bodies.

Stefan and Elena make it back to the car but the key is missing. Frederick shows up and starts hitting and stabbing Stefan. He is about to kill him when Elena stabs him in the back. Stefan tells Elena to run but she gives him her wrist to drink from so he can regain his strength. Stefan tries to resist but eventually he drinks and manages to kill Frederick.

In the meantime, Care spent the whole morning with Ally. They needed some bonding time. Ally opened up on some of her past and that soon Kai will be in the real world. Ally could see the inner turmoil in Care as if Ally would replace her. Ally reassured her that Care will always be her big sister. Ally felt like she was forgetting something and told Care to drive safe. Caroline has to drive to a family engagement in the storm and she leaves after she says goodbye to Ally and Matt. The main roads are closed so she drives in the backwoods when her car gets stuck in the mud. She has no cell reception so she decides to get out trying to get one and call for help. She falls down and grabs a tree root to steady herself only to discover that it is a human arm.

Matt and Kelly prepare their dinner when the doorbell rings and Caroline is at the door with her mom, Liz. They ask to see Kelly and they inform her, and Matt, that they found Vicki's body. Liz calls the Mayor to let him know. When he tells Tyler they have to go, he tells him about Vicki and Jeremy also hears. Tyler and Jeremy head to Matt's house and Jeremy also calls Elena to tell her.

Elena and Jeremy return home where Jeremy finds Anna waiting on his room. Anna realizes that Jeremy only wanted to turn to find Vicki and she takes off before Jeremy apologizes.

Damon sits next to Alaric at the bar for a drink and tries to have a friend-talk with him but Alaric punches him and leaves. Damon returns home and finds IV blood bags all over the place and Stefan drinking out of one.

Caroline wanted to be left alone,  so Ally decided to stay in her house. Harper decided to leave town because he was afraid of what the tomb vampires will do. Ally looked for Kol and found him in another room. She hugged him and said thanks for giving her time to think and drink. Kol hugged her back and said he was glad she was talking about the bad life experiences, but he wished she could talk to him about everything.

She then said that she thought he wouldn't have understood,  but he lowered his head. She touched his arm and asked what had happened. Kol opened up on Mikael's abuse. Everyone thought he only abused Klaus, but he also emotionally and physically abused Kol, because Kol loved magic and did not fit Mikael's description of a man. Ally pulled him closer and rubbed his back. They found comfort in each other's arms. She said that she plan on releasing Kai tonight.  She already has a room for him with clothes and everything.  She also daily put some on her magic in bracelets for Kai to siphon.

With Kol's help, she was spelled into the Prison World. " Kai ,come on . I can get you out of here, but hurry." Ally said. Kai grabbed her hand and the wind started to pick up. Soon they were in Allison's living room. She hugged Kai tightly,  happy that he was here. Kai felt extremely happy and relieved to be with his sister. Now to adjusted to real life again. Ally took his hand and he saw a stranger in the living room, he guessed it was Kol. "So,I am guessing you are the person my sister is shacking  up with." Kai said.

Ally shoved him and called him an asshole. Ally introduced Kai to Kol and said that she can't keep the spell going.  Kol was happy for her being reunited with her brother. Ally showed Kai to his room and the drawer with all the magic bracelets. Kai hugged her and had tears in his eyes, feeling accepted for once in his life since they were separated.

Beyond the screen: Vampire DiariesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora