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A crack of thunder rumbled across the sky. Before the echo had faded, she felt the first splashes of rain hit her face. A large droplet rolled down her neck and under her collar.

The pressure stiffening the air broke and the deep greys and blues of the street became rich in silver and midnight through the rain.

She paused as a shudder ran through her, and gazed through barred gates into a middle city cemetery she'd never noticed before. The discolouration in the headstones was bright with the life of the moss and grass that grew around them.

The shiver settled as a cold throbbing between her shoulder blades. She rubbed at the spot. For the briefest of moments, anger and disappointment rippled up into her mind.

"Come on! We're going to miss the bus!"

She tightened her coat around herself. As she jogged to catch her friends, voices rose from the other side of the railing.

Vengeance calling to her.

From Death to DawnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon