Jaden and Maggie

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Everything was the same. I'm talking about my friendship with Jaden. I don't think at him at all. Never. I'm not even thinking about his see through t-shirt. Or how how he looks with oversized pants.

-Maggie, i can see that this pen is tasty but can you pay attention to my class.-I stopped eating the pen. The whole class laughed. I lay my head on the table and when i opened my eyes the room was empty.
Oh, so they left me, cool.

-They left you.

-No shhhhh-ance!


-Shance means "chance".

-In which language?-the teacher asked.

-Uhm, Portuguese.-i smiled.

-Gonna write that down! Look and teachers are learning new things.

I looked at my phone and i had no battery at all.

-Yes. Uhm, what time is it?

-It's 3:35pm.


-Is this Portuguese too?-she bit one apple.

I started running to see if it's not too late.

-Maggie, go to the principal's office!

-Later!-i went into the cafeteria and saw only empty seats.

-Fuck!-i said and felt someone behind my back.

-Again screwing?

-I'm sorry. I had a meeting with someone here but I fell asleep and yeah.

-Don't worry, he is on detention too. You'll meet there at 6pm. -the principal smiled at me.

-Cool.-i smiled back.

We are not going to this detention. No chance.
After school we went home. I threw myself on the bed and stayed there for straight 5 hours. I called Chris but he didn't answer again. He was ignoring me since he started school.

Jaden came in my room.

-What are you doing??-i screamed and jumped next to me on the bed.

-I had to knock, right...

-Of course you had to!

-Anyways. Rudy will be in your class? Today he went and talked with the principal.

-He did?

-Yeah. He said it was your idea.

-Kinda. He wanted to.

He was just looking at me. Some butterflies in my stomach started moving but i still think about those things he said. That we fucked once and i got obsessed. He came closer and put his hand on my chin. Jaden pulled me to sit in his lap and tucked my hair behind my ear.

-That's not okay.

-I know.

-Maybe we can just kiss for five hours straight without anyone bothering us.

-Where's everyone?

-They went somewhere.-he whispered and put his hands on my waist.

-Jaden, I can't.

-It's always "Jaden, I can't" and it always happens what I want, right? I love you, Maggie.

-You love me, Jaden. But you're not in love with me. You're always coming to me when you're alone. When you feel empty. You're trying to fill the void with me and I don't like this. You will never look at me with hearts in your eyes. I delete your number, pretend you don't exist, tell myself it's nothing, but we both know it is.-i said and left the room.

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