"Look at the number-code boy," he spits at me. I've already seen it, which I fail to mention.

"Okay, so let me get this right. Because you're calling me from Libya, you aren't living in a dumpster high on drugs? Got it," I tell him.

"Did your mother lose her sense of upbringing! Watch your mouth! I am your father, whether you like it or not!" he snarls. I can't help myself. A laugh escapes my lips and that seems to silence him.

"You stopped being my father the second you left that apartment and stayed away. So fuck you, fuck your throne, and fuck your new life. 'Cause guess what Dad? I couldn'g give a smaller fuck about you. You want to tell Malik something, you call his ass."

I hang up the phone, a sigh leaving my mouth. I grab my hair by its roots before seeing the time. Fuck. I start the car, putting on the GPS, speeding my way through the traffic. I have to make it. My phone rings again, and this time it's my cousin's name plastered on it. I answer it.

"Where the hell are you?" Anas whisper-yells. "Zain is going mad."

"Tell him to calm down, and not to ruin any of my furnaces."

"Too late bro. Just get back home, the jet leaves in an hour. Did you visit her?"

Memories of what happened not even 30 minutes ago swarm my mind. I grab the steering wheel tighter, her words playing on repeat in my mind.

"She's dead."

The line goes quiet for a moment. I can hear him breathing, but he isn't saying anything. I know what he may be thinking and by his silence I'm positive he knows I was the cause of it.

"Good fucking riddance!" Zain yells into the phone, and I don't know whether to laugh or kill him for that. I ignore his comment, and follow the GPS when it tells me to take a soft swing to the right. I see the building, with white decorations outside. I put my car in park and grab my phone from the cup holder.

"Where are you?" asks Anas. I smile walking toward the building.

"To have a chat with my big bro. I'll be home soon."

I hang up the phone, before putting it in my pocket. I walk in the front door looking for any familiar faces. I see some of Elijah's business partners but that's about it. I don't see my brothers or the bride-to-be. I ask a servant where the back is and she points me to the way but I don't go before I double-check my appearance in the mirror.

The back looks way different than the front. It looks messier. A guy is walking around with a baby carriage. I scrunch my brows and stay behind the corner making sure I can't be seen. The baby in the carriage fusses and he picks her up.

My heart does a weird thing when I see how much the baby looks like Josie and my brother. A pair of heels click from the main room. It's a redhead. She's wearing a black cocktail dress and a pair of heels that match. She smiles at the baby before smiling at the man as well. She takes the baby before walking back to where she came from, the man following her steps. Matilda.

My heart almost shrinks for Ares. He died for me. I shrug my shoulders, staying hidden. I watch as Aaron Wyatt-Josie's personal dog-walks into the back looking like he's seen a ghost. Maybe he saw me come in, maybe he didn't. A door to what looks like the janitor's closet. My breath gets stuck in my throat when I see my brother dressed as a groom. He greets Aaron before walking down the aisle. Everyone is waiting for their lame wedding.

Josie and her little lap dog have a conversation before he finally fucks off. I make myself known, and she turns around. She looks like she's seen a ghost. God, this is hilarious to me. It takes everything in me not to spill the beans and tell her how I won. How I escaped, how I played her little friend, how I killed her. Instead I use the same tactic I used on Devina.

"Zakaria," she almost gasps.

"I'm happy for you," I lie. She gulps down, tears welling her eyes. I don't move any closer to her. She doesn't look fairly convinced though. I think of the one thing that will make her believe I've changed. "Odette is beautiful. Please, Josie, promise me one thing. When she grows up, don't let her think I'm a monster."

Her reaction is worth gold.

"I-I promise," she coaxes.

I turn my back to her and start walking so she doesn't see the smile on my lips. She's too easy. I walk a bit, searching for Malik. He wasn't up with the priest and my brother. The bathroom door opens and my smile turns so bright. He halts in his steps when he sees me and reaches for something. I already know it's his gun. I put my hands in the air.

"Not here to start drama, just here to ask you something."

He points his gun at me, inclining his head my way. "Whatever it is, make it quick."

"What do you say to you and I taking a trip to Libya? Baba is dying to see you."


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