Maybe that was why her parents loved the twins so much.

"Luna," she whispered, holding out her hand for the female alicorn.

Luna came closer and nuzzled Savi's palm.

"There's a figure outside!"

Savi heard the shout of Edaline's goblin bodyguard, Cadoc, and instantly raised her palm. "Stop," she said quietly. "It's me. Savannah."

"I don't believe you! Mr Sencen wouldn't have let you out on a rainy day."

Savi laughed softly. "And what makes you think I need my father's permission to do anything?"

"Savi? Savi, come inside." She heard her grandmother's comforting voice and followed it.

"See you later, Luna," Savi called and followed Cadoc into the house.

"Savi, what are you doing here?" Edaline demanded.

"Trying to get away from my family," Savi muttered.

"Did something happen?" Edaline's eyes softened.

"No, nothing did. It's just... I don't want to be with them. Not after Will..." Savi bit back tears, wondering why Will was such a weakness for her.

"Savi." Edaline touched her arm. "My brave girl. Don't cry."

"I'll cry all I want!" Savi shouted. "I... Sorry. I don't know. I don't know what to do anymore. He's gone."

"He wouldn't want you to be sad, Savi."

"If he thought I wouldn't be, then I guess he doesn't know me, either."


"Maybe," Savi said, holding out the Pathfinder again, "I came to the wrong place."

"Choralmere?" Edaline whispered when she saw what mode Savi had switched to. "You can't seriously want to see Quan and Mai."

"They live near an ocean," Savi reminded her. "I like water."

"Surprising you're not a Hydrokinetic," Edaline murmured.

"My friend is," Savi replied, her thoughts travelling to Cerulean. She hadn't met him after an hour in the end. She'd just... left.

Edaline just watched her quietly as Savi disappeared in a flash of light.

She had been sitting at the ocean for twenty minutes, watching raindrops fall and create ripples on the calm water, before a black-haired woman rushed out of the house.

"Linh? Is that you?" the woman called.

"I look like I've got silver-tipped black hair to you?" Savi called back.

The woman froze in her tracks. "You're not Linh."

"Only just realized?" Savi sneered. It wasn't like the ocean was private property. Besides, she liked it here.

"Who are you?" the woman asked.

"Let's twist that," Savi said. "Who are you?"

"I... I'm Mai Song," the woman admitted.

Savi froze. Mai Song. Aunt Linh's mother. Uncle Tam's mother.

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