She then tied her shoes on, putting her black jumper on and putting the hood up before she left yeji's house. She walked down the street, going to her home to pack her stuff.

Hopefully no one's home.

She sighed. Standing at the end of the path that leads to her front door. Her step mothers car was in the driveway. Of course.

She walked down the path. She was slightly shaking, sweating, she took a deep breath and automatically gulped before she pulled the handle down and pushed the door open. Stepping inside, she shut the door behind her. She speedily walked past the living room, going to the stairs, fast, to try avoid her step mother.

She was halfway up the stairs when the voice stopped her.

"You've decided to finally come home, hm? Not even gonna say hi?"

"Why the fuck should I? And I'm not coming home. I'm packing my things." Ryujin answered.

"Where are you gonna go?" Her step mother asked.

"To live with yeji. Her parents love me. Way better then you and father." ryujin hissed before she continued going upstairs. She shut herself in her room and leaned against the door.

She couldn't hold her tears in as she started to tear up.

She clenched her teeth angrily as she rubbed her eyes.

I don't cry. I'll never cry. I won't cry.

She held her pain in as she grabbed a bag and started to slowly pack.

This is for good. I can't stay in this house longer, I'll end up dead.

The day went by quickly. It was soon the end of the day, the bell rang as everyone rushed outside, through the gates, and rushing home.

Everyone was talking about soobin's massive party tonight, excited.

"Okay. I'm going to go home and grab my stuff, I'm probably going to go buy more makeup. I'll come to your house once I got everything. Don't get ready without me." Chaeryeong said, her and yeji standing outside yeji's house.

Yeji smiled and nodded "I'll wait. Be quick."

"I will."

They say bye and hug as yeji entered her house, chaeryeong then left and continued walking to her house.

No one was home right now, except ryujin. yeji shut the door and immediately set off upstairs. Opening the door she smiled to see the love of her live, just chilling in bed on her phone.

Ryujin immediately looked round and cracked into a wide smile. Jumping off the bed she rushed over and hugged yeji tightly, covering her with kisses all over her face as the brunette giggled.

"Still going to soobin's party tonight?" Ryujin asked.

"Duh." Yeji said "chaeryeong will be coming round later, me and her and gonna get ready together."

"Okay." Ryujin nodded.

The front door opened, signalling hyunjin was home.

"YEJI. ARE YOU GOING TO THE PARTY?" Hyunjin shouted upstairs.

"YEAH." Yeji shouted back.

Suddenly footsteps stomped up the stairs and the door burst open.

"I told you to knock before entering." Yeji growled. Hyunjin rolled his eyes. He looked behind his sisters shoulder to see ryujin standing there.

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