Plagg Gets Used To... (Marinette staying with Adrien)

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Marinette loved staying at Adrien's apartment, she really did, it gave her the freedom she couldn't yet afford herself and also allowed time for the two of them to just be together without her father appearing with pastries every 30 seconds.

With the increase in akumas, plus the intensity of their university courses she grasped hold of any chance she could to snuggle with her boyfriend. She even loved the opportunity to have some 'Marinette time' away from parents, or friends, or any other magic related business.

When she was with Adrien she was safe. She was away from her reality and she could just ignore any of her magical responsibilities.

Adrien was a goof. In all the years they'd been together it was getting more and more obvious that the guy was a little... eccentric. Not in a bad way, of course. Just in an 'Adrien' kind of way. For example, he seemed to have some kind of obsession with cats. She wouldn't go as far as saying it was unhealthy, but he was one more cat themed 'pun mug' away from her having to have a serious discussion.

What she found more confusing though, was how unique his ordinary kitchenware looked. However, over time she realised if you used it just right it made some rather interesting sounds.

As Marinette snuggled into Adrien's body late one night, she marvelled about how she was the happiest little spoon which ever exsited. She was made to be in this position with him. His warm masculine arms around her waist, his one leg thrown over her body, the insane heat leaving his chest.

It was late August when Adrien had finally moved into his own place, Marinette refusing to live with him as she wasn't quite 'there yet' – which she considered a colossal lie as she would have lived with him from the day she met him if she'd had the chance. The only reason she wasn't co-owner of this tiny one-bedroom apartment had nothing to do with finances or Adrien himself, but more to do with the little creatures which came as part of the package; creatures he had no idea even existed.

As Adrien continued his sweet slumber, face buried in her hair, Marinette couldn't help but feel as though she was living in a furnace. Adrien was sending off heat like an active volcano, adding to the already stuffy room... and even worse, she really needed to toilet.

Attempting to move, Marinette wiggled a little, hoping she could free herself from under his leg and make her way out the bed and out to the ensuite. Unfortunately, with each movement of her lower body, Adrien seemed to see it as some sort of challenge. Instead of giving her the freedom of relieving herself, he cuddled her closer and pulled her back into his body, soft whimpers of her name were both adorable and infuriating at the sametime. She was going to die if she didn't go to the toilet and then get a drink.

Moving again, this time she put a little more pizazz into it. She managed to push Adrien's leg off her and roll dramatically to her side of the bed, landing on one knee on the floor. How super!

"Marinette." The soft moan of her voice reached her ears and she was worried she'd woken her boyfriend up. Low and behold, a quick glance in Adrien's direction showed the former model to still be passed out, a pillow now in the place of Marinette's body.

Standing up, she took a couple of moments to watch the cuteness as he snuggled into the pillow tightly, dropping tiny little kisses to the top. Finally, she slowly and quietly hobbled along the corridor on her tiptoes, trying her best not to step on the floor board she knew creaked. One to the right. Two steps to the left. Small leap and... safe! Finally, she made it to the small kitchen.

Marinette sleepily headed to the cupboard taking out the cat mug complete with handle tail. The one he'd bought her as a 'house warming' gift — even though it wasn't her house. He had a matching one, and placed together just right they made a heart shape.

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