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It had been a month since Error had accidentally pushed Fresh down the stairs. He was arguing with Fresh when the argument took a different direction. CQ, Geno, and Fresh told him to stop, they called him a bully, and said he couldn't control his temper.

He ran to his room, he slipped out the window, thinking if they didn't want him he would go. He heard them rush Geno away. He was scared for his brother, but he remembered what they said. 'I can't go back, I'll just hurt them, like I always do.' He thought. He ran for a bit.

Then it happened, he was snatched off the streets. They knocked him unconscious. Then, they took him to a strange place.

"Welcome, subject 896." Said a man in a lab coat. "My name's Error! Not subject 896!" Error said. "That was your name, but not anymore." Said the scientist. They took him, and he screamed not knowing what was happening. He crashed, but he felt it, something hot against his cheek. It burned! He wanted to scream but couldn't.

When he finally regained consciousness, he was in a white room that contained a old, a toilet, a sink, and an old chair. Over the sink was a reflective surface. He thought water might help wake him up. Looking at the mirror, he froze at the sight of his reflection. There, burned onto his left cheek, was the numbers 896. It caused the earlier events to come crashing back. He feel to his knees and sobbed, not knowing what would happen.

He was startled out of his sobbing by a door swinging open. On the other side of the door, was a community area. He was greeted by another kid. The boy was a skeleton a bit older than him with purple eyelights, on his left cheek was 647. "Hey, I'm Nightmare, or as the scientists call me, subject 647." Nightmare greeted Error. "I-I'm Error, I'm subject 896, I guess." He said. "Well, I guess I should introduce you to everyone." Nightmare said.

"HEY! We got a newbie." Yelled Nightmare. Soon he met the others. There was Dream, Nightmare's twin sister. She was subject 646, the mark was on her right cheek. Red was a girl with 734 on her right cheek. Classic was a boy with 422 on his left cheek. Blue was a girl with 286 on her right cheek. Dust was a boy with 520 on his left cheek. Horror was a boy with 810 on his left cheek. Killer, a boy, had 777 on his left cheek. Cross had 843 on her right cheek. CC, the only human, had 842 on her right cheek, she was Cross's adopted sister. Hearts had 132 on her right cheek. Pixel or Rain had 953 on her right cheek. Pixel had the ability to switch forms, so in one form, a glitchy form she was Pixel, and in the other she was Rain. We got to know each other. The scientists would regularly perform experiments. One day though, everything changed...

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