cap.2 travel back in time

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this was the day.
the day I was supposed to be teleported to the past.
I was ready, I had everything that would help me with this adventure, the only thing missing was that I didn't know what time I was leaving for the past.
I went to school with the backpack that would help me with my future adventure.
BFN glared at me, as if I had just killed his dog/cat, I sat in my seat with the backpack that would help me with my adventure between my legs.
The morning passed quickly and now there was the return of (subject you hate) the most boring part of the day, I closed my eyes to relax and strangely the voice of the teacher and my classmates disappeared, I felt the fresh air touching my face. I opened my eyes and I saw that I was in a forest.
I looked around confused but amazed at the same time, I opened my backpack and I saw that the things inside had multiplied.
I stood up and took the map and the compass to understand where to go, I saw on the map there was a dot indicated in the middle of Europe and a legend that said that the dot was me, on the map the modern borders had disappeared and in their place were those of that era.
"let's see, where do I go first, ancient Egypt or Babylon"
Babylon was closer, so I decided to go there first.
I started walking towards Babylon, then I remembered that I had powers.
I tried to fly but it failed completely so I kept walking
"it would be nice to at least have a horse"
I walked a little more and then I found a horse
"my prayers have been answered"
I approached the horse trying not to be seen as a threat
"Don't worry little horse"
I got a little closer to the horse and extended my arms to try to gain his trust.
I took out an apple and gave it to him, trying to still have some of his trust.
I managed to gain the horse's trust and I put a hand on its muzzle to caress it but strangely it transformed into a mythological animal.
"I think one of my powers is to transform animals into mythological creatures, strange, this thing didn't happen with the bird I helped and the snake I threw away"
I caress the horse and after a while I jump on its back
"go H/N"
I pointed in the direction I needed to go and the horse started running towards the direction I had pointed. 
after a few hours I arrived at the point where the Babylonians should be but I didn't find them and rereading the map I discovered that I had to wait a few more years before they arrived in the land.
so I started going towards ancient Egypt, which had already existed for almost 1000 years.
after a few more hours I finally arrived in ancient Egypt. but I couldn't enter the city with the modern clothes I was wearing, so I started looking in my backpack for clothes from the time, since the guy had said that I would also receive some surprises with me.
Finally I found a dress from the time and put it on immediately. the backpack transformed into the rope that I had to put around my pelvis to hold the dress.
I also did the hairstyle of the time and entered the city.
The city was magnificent and very well looked after, in the city center I found people who sell jewels, fabrics, food and other things.
I continued to wander around the city and before he got dark he managed to buy a house outside the capital.
I put my magic rope on the table and took out some things
"well I think this bag of coins is infinite and I hope they combine the coins by country"
The next morning I returned to the city to continue exploring, after a while I was able to see the king's palace from a distance.
I returned to the city center to buy some things when suddenly everyone turned to look at a single person who had a papyrus in his hand, perhaps it was a messenger from the king who had to make an important announcement.the messenger arrived in the center of the city, looked around and then cleared his throat.
"fathers of daughters bring your damsels to the palace, the king wants to find a wife"
all the people began to talk among themselves, hoping that one of their daughters should be chosen as Pharaoh's wife.
I left there immediately, I wasn't interested in being the trophy wife of some random guy in ancient Egypt, even if she is the pharaoh.
As soon as I returned home I took a vase and went to the shore of the Nile River to get some water, I looked up and saw a boat that seemed to belong to someone important, but I did not see the owner on the boat.
I turned to walk away, I didn't really care that some rich guy from ancient Egypt fell off the boat and drowned.
As soon as I took two steps away I heard someone behind me clear their throat, I turned to see who it was.
I saw Ancient Egypt, he was tall and handsome boy with an Ancient Egyptian flag all over his body, and the thing about him being without a shirt and being wet made it very embarrassing.
"Good morning"
"Good morning beautiful, why are you here alone?"
"because I had to get some water"
"Doesn't your husband help you?"
"I have no husband"
"So you're not engaged?"
Egypt took my hand and kissed it
"do you want to become mine? I will be able to give you anything, I am the pharaoh I can do what I want and no one disobeys me because they risk divine punishment"
"don't you know? okay I'll tell you why. because I am the pharaoh, I come from the gods and the sun god is my relative"
"so become mine before the gods get angry"
he glared at me as if I had just insulted his entire dynasty, he bent down and put me on his right shoulder.
"you women always need to be educated"
I returned to the boat and lay down on his little throne that he had on the boat, placing me between his legs.
"I told you I don't want to be your wife"
"I don't care, your father will have heard the news that I want a wife and he would obviously have brought you to the palace to marry you to me"
"which father?"
"What do you mean 'which father?'"
"I father is no longer here"
"I'm sorry puppy for your loss but let me take his place"
he hugged me tightly to him and gave me kisses on my forehead and head.
He showed me all the landscape that could be seen from the Nile, describing everything.
but instead of listening to him I was looking at the ships carrying huge blocks of stone, it saddened me a lot to pass in front of a place under construction and see so many people being whipped, perhaps half of them weren't even criminals they were just guilty of not having managed to to pay taxes.
in the evening we arrived at the palace, he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom.
he put me on the bed and he lay down next to me
"I love you madly my queen"
he showered me with kisses, kissing all over my face.
At night I escaped from the palace while he was sleeping and returned home.
'from now on I have to be careful not to be seen'

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