Cap 10 Rome daughter and son

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the war with the Roman Republic continued, the Romans did not want to surrender until they conquered my country.
One day I saw someone enter the village from one of the few entrance roads.
I flew towards her and saw that it was Italy, what was she doing here, perhaps she had been sent by her father to be a spy
"What are you doing here, Italy?"
"How do you know my name?"
"don't change the question, why are you here"
"I ran away from home"
"ran away from home?"
"yes, my father wanted to give me away in marriage to a guy I didn't want and if I didn't obey he would beat me or he could kill me"
"so you ran away here"
"yes, I know that men and women are treated equally here and so I made the decision to escape here to protect myself from my father as he is also continuing to fail in invading the country"
"I understand you, in the Roman Republic it is not easy for you women to live, always submissive to your husband or father"
"follow me"
Italia followed me to my house and I began to check on her in case she had any injuries.
"okay you're good"
Italy looked around
"this is your building?" 
"yes, but it's not my real home, my real home is in the clouds that are around the highest mountain"
I got some clothes for Italy so she could change out of her tatty clothes "thanks for the clothes"
"you can stay with me as long as you want"
"yes, you are mistreated at home so you can stay with me"
Italy hug me
"thank you"
Days later an anonymous letter arrived, Italia gave it to me as soon as she returned from school since she was still of school age and in her country women were not allowed to study so I sent her to one of my country and I helped her study. 
I took the letter from her hands and read it, the letter was full of insults, along with the insults there was something else but it was for Italy. 
Italy took it and read what was there along with the letter full of insults and then she looked at me
"my father and mother disowned me, now I'm an orphan"
"good, now you're my daughter" "really?!" 
Italia looked like a little girl when she saw the presents under her Christmas tree. 
I began teaching Italia how to draw, sculpt, architecture, cook, make clothes and fight. 
During the wars against Rome, Italia was in the army with me, she had become a good warrior. 
One day Italy, after a battle, left the camp and went into the forest, she followed Italy and you see her arguing with Gaul (France)
"What's going on here?" 
Italy and Gaul turned to look at me
"mom, Gaul was commander of the battle we just won and he asked me to speak to him in private. But now he's acting like a spoiled worm repeating 'do it for me, I'm the favorite child you're nothing and even if you beat me dad won't love you'"
"Italy go back to camp, I'll talk to your 'brother'"
Italia left
"listen here kid, don't you dare come near my daughter again, since she doesn't she is more your sister since she was disowned by your relatives"
Gallia tried to speak, but I silenced him by giving him a slap
"your parents must be ashamed of their way of raising children"
I left and saw Italy laughing together with the soldiers. 
As soon as we got home I made Italy her favorite food and then spent some time together
"Italy, what would you like to have that you miss"
"to have brothers who aren't spoiled"
"okay, anything else?" 
"no, honestly I just want a family without spoiled people in the middle"
"it seems like a good thing" "have you ever had children?" 
"no, you're the only one I have"
"you know that even without male interaction I don't think we can have children, even males can and it's really strange"
"really? and how do you do it?" 
"I honestly don't know, I only knew this because when my father went to defeat other countries he found their representations with children"
"what did he do with the children he found?" 
"he killed them to avoid civil wars"
"this is horrible"
"at least 13 countries will never see the light of becoming official because my father killed them when they were children"
"you're lucky your father didn't kill you"

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⏰ Última atualização: May 01 ⏰

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