Chapter 1

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Genevieve's point of view
District 8

Genevieve's point of viewDistrict 87/4/69

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A tremble  woke me up. It was as if the floor under me was crumbling and within a second I was falling back helplessly. I screamed and within a moment I was woken up holding my neck, choking myself.  It was strange but I couldn't untangle my hands from my own neck and I could no longer hold them there. My brother woke up and just wrapped his arms around me. "Gweni, place let go. Don't ..don't hurt. Please don't hurt you."

I let go and started to just hold onto him. Although he was like a kid, he was much taller. Almost a foot taller and his arms could wrap me whole, consuming me completely. He wasn't much stronger than me though. That was thanks to the shortage of food we had, but he was more put together than me.

I know it was bad but sometimes I was jealous of his carefree mentality. How he thought that there was gold at the end of a rainbow, or how he thought that mom and dad would be back one winter. It was tough to tell him the reality and the day I did he brushed it off. He just knew they weren't here with us and that for how it was just the two of us. Unfortunately it would stay that way for a long time. Well at least I hoped.

We stayed there for a couple of moments before we started the movements outside. "We must get ready." I got up and kissed his forehead as I started to head to the hole in the wall. We had something of a small fireplace if we saw it as a luxury. I came over and made a small fire not to lager to burn the place down, but to heat up some water for Sunny and I to shower with.

That was the routine we had for this day. Day of celebration we had to say. Something we all had to accept and abide by. Everyone had. That was just the way it was. I wondered what it was like before. The world before we knew. Was it really as bad as it is now? Was all of this worth peace? All of this would never be answered.

I ran to the side where our only 2 pans lade over the small pot that could only hold 2 cups of water. It wasn't much but it would work to just clean us this once. If everything went well I would sell all that I had bought for today and then get us a larger one to hold our rain water. I handed it over to Sunny and he knew to go to the top of the ruff where we would collect rainwater in large plastic bottles.

He left the room up those unnerving steps as I came over my piles of work and under it all laid the best clothes we had. It wasn't much just a green dress that mother gave me years ago that I had fixed over and over to fit me over the years. On the other had laid a cotton shirt that used to be my dad's, now yellow because of the years. At its side were a pair of gray trousers that had looked better in other years. Those were our clothes for today. Nothing extraordinary but better than our everyday clothes.

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