Let you Love me - Rita Ora

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I think I run away sometimes when I get too vulnerable, that's not your fault. Rota Ora sang this and the lyrics hit me to the spot. Led to the creation below; 

Fresh in the game, 

Eyes lighting up like a lottery winner, 

Plans set in motion, 

It is going down tonight, 

Rings in my head. 

Beauty, elegance and style, 

Only to be compared with the likes of a queen, 

They draw me to you, 

Like metal to a magnet, 

I am on cloud 9 right now. 

But wait!

Heart pounds fast, 

Thoughts wander off to far off place, 

Doubts, fear and indecisiveness, 

Cloud my mind. 

I want to let you in, 

Want you to know me more, 

But those three thieves, 

Stand in the way, 

Of the winning numbers of the lottery, 

Hence, I wish I could let you love me. 

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