Chapter 5

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Some staff members make groups fun. It's not all talking or watching mental health videos. At least, it wasn't tonight. My favorite staff member, Stacey, was working tonight. Stacey is like the stern mother of the behavioral unit, but she's a badass, too. She didn't give a single fuck! God, I love her.

Before the group started, Stacey went around the rooms, gathering people. One of whom was fucking Sunshine. Except Sunshine didn't look so shiny. She was yawning and rubbing her eyes, so my guess is she was taking a nap. She walked over to a seat and collapsed in it, putting her head on the table. I already knew where this was going.

"Alright!" Stacey clapped. "I thought today's group could be a game!"

The seat beside me was empty. Jack was talking on the phone, so I was all by my lonesome here.

"Yeah," Sunshine grumbled. "I was kinda taking a nap here, and games aren't my thing. Especially when you wake me up just to play them."

Stacey continued without even acknowledging, "It's called Feelings Charades. I've written down feelings on pieces of paper. You guys have to act out whatever feeling you get and the rest of us have to guess what it is."

"You know, if someone doesn't want to play a fucking game, you really shouldn't force them," Sunshine chimed in again. She slowly rose from her chair. "I was fucking sleeping! There was NO NEED to wake me the fuck up for this!" She took her piece of paper feeling and ripped it up. "So you can take this and your stupid fucking game and SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS!" She threw the pieces of paper on the table and took a puzzle book and threw it across the room. To make it even better, it was a few inches away from hitting me. Then she left.

"Alrighty then," said Stacey. "Anyone else who doesn't want to do this, please, just walk out now. Do not do what she just did."

Nobody left. Jack, however, entered the room. "Is this a group?"

"Yeah!" Stacey exclaimed. "Come on in, we're playing charades!" She closed the door behind him.

Jack slowly walked to the seat beside me. "Hey," he whispered. "What was all that yelling?"

"Sunshine," I whispered back.

"About what now?"

"Stacey wanted her to play a game. Sunshine wanted to sleep instead."

Jack just stared at me.

"Yeah," I agreed. "Oh, and you'll never believe this. The group later on tonight is just Stacey logging into her Netflix account and having us watch a movie!"

"Sweet!" Jack yell-whispered back. "When will that be?"

"I have no idea," I answered. "Probably 8:30 like usual."

Jack swore under his breath. "I usually shower then get ready for bed."

"Me too. Well, the shower part," I smiled.

"Do you think it counts as an actual group?" he asked. "Like would it be held against us if we missed it?"

"I have no idea," I shrugged. The more I thought about it, the more I knew it most likely wouldn't matter if we missed the movie. But tonight is my last night with Jack. I want it to last as long as possible. Even if it meant a little white lie. "Maybe. I mean, it's technically a group, you know?"

Jack sighed. "Well, maybe I can watch some of the movie, ask to go shower, and then come back?"

"Yeah, that should work," I stated.

"Okay," he nodded.

When it was time for the movie, Jack entered the Group Room before me. He sat down in the very front of the table and watched for me. By now, people know we're going to be sitting together, so there was no need for me to rush in like I did. But I couldn't help myself.

It took longer than it should have, picking out a movie. Everybody wanted to watch a different thing. Stacey suggested a scary movie to which I was all for. Partly because if I got scared, there's a chance I could be protected by a certain brave, strong man. However, Sunshine said to play anything but a scary movie.

She makes me ecstatic to go home tomorrow.

It was about 20 minutes in when people started to leave. Whether it was due to their nighttime meds or just pure boredom, Jack and I were the only ones left in the room. About 10 more minutes went by when he excused himself to shower. He promised to be back to watch the rest of the movie with me, though.

All I could do was keep an eye on the clock, waiting for Jack to come back. I wasn't even paying attention to the movie anymore.

Stacey left the Group Room when everyone left. She was now in the Nurse's Station across from me. I saw her sneak out the door and looked at me while she tiptoed to Jack's room.

"15 minute checks!" I heard Stacey yell. "What are you doing?" Then she snuck away out of his room, looking at me again.

I have no idea what Jack responded with, but I just died with laughter. It hit me –she was fucking with him.

It was about 25 minutes after Jack left that I was about to give up and go to bed. I started thinking that he stood me up. That he got too tired to watch the rest of the movie. He did like sleeping at 9 or 9:30. It was almost quarter 'til 10.

I was about to get up when I saw Jack with his hygiene bin and used towels. My body came back to life as I tried hiding a smile. He returned his stuff and came back into the Group Room. He plopped in the seat by me.

"What did I miss?" he asked.

"I honestly couldn't tell you," I replied. "I missed like half the movie."

Jack chuckled.

Stacey saw Jack come back in but made no move to come back herself. Was she giving us alone time? Or did she simply just trust us?

"So what's your favorite kind of movie?" I asked Jack.

"Uh, comedy or action," he replied. "You?"

"It doesn't matter to me, honestly," I turned completely towards him.

Both of us were now 100% ignoring the movie and chatting deeply about our lives. I told him a little more about mine, and he listened intently, hanging onto every word I said. We definitely took advantage of having no one around to hear us. If only we weren't being watched, though....

It was about 10:20 at night that Jack went to bed. We didn't even notice how late it got. The movie only had 10 more minutes left so I stayed to watch it. Jack went to sleep after wishing me a good night's sleep and saying goodnight three times. It was like he didn't want to leave! I know I didn't want him to...albeit it's fun to watch him leave.

I laid in my bed completely awake. I couldn't get comfortable no matter what position I was in. I couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard I tried. I knew what it was, too. I'm sure anyone could've guessed what it was.

I didn't want to leave....

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