(X) 'I'd love to count his bones.'

Start from the beginning

Jimin says, 'What the fuck makes you think that he's not normal? Stop discouraging him. If you don't wanna encourage him, just don't say anything to him. I'll talk to him.'
She says, 'Hey, little boy! Watch your mouth.'

Jimin says, 'Ah... That came out harsh. I'm sorry.'
She says, 'What can you tell him to encourage him? The truth is always bitter.'
Jimin says, 'Watch me.'

She rolls her eyes in annoyance and sighs heavily.

Yoongi signs, 'She's right.'
Jimin says, 'Baby, listen. You've just tried one. If this messed up, fuck it. Let's try another one. We've got two more on the list. If those two mess up, fuck them, too. We'll find another one. Do you hear me?'
Yoongi signs, 'I'm a loser. I don't think I can take care of you.'

Jimin turns his whole body to face Yoongi. He grabs Yoongi's hands with both of his hands. Yoongi's lips quiver.

Jimin says, 'You're not a loser. It's not like I've never failed. Everybody fails at some point in their life. It's totally fine. Unless you give up, you haven't failed for real.'

Yoongi lets go of Jimin's hands and signs, 'What if I never get a job?'

Jimin says, 'Let's try to start your internship first. It's not like you're gonna teach people how to work. You're gonna work on a computer and you don't have to speak for that.'
Yoongi signs, 'That was why I chose this course but nobody wants me.'

Jimin says, 'I want you. Okay? Fuck everything. I've got your back. We're gonna get this shite done together.'
Yoongi signs, 'You trust me a lot. I don't want to break your trust.'
Jimin says, 'The day you give up is when you break my trust. You can definitely get this done.'

Yoongi signs, 'I'm not strong enough to achieve everything.'
Jimin asks, 'Did someone say that to you?'
Yoongi signs, 'Yes.'
Jimin asks, 'Who the fuck said that?'

Yoongi signs, 'Everyone except for you.'
Jimin says, 'That's complete bullshite. You're so fucking strong, baby. You just seem to appear cute like a baby and that's just your appearance. You're strong. Mentally and physically.'
Yoongi signs, 'I understand that you're trying to make me feel better.'

Jimin exclaims, 'I'm not lying to you!'
Yoongi signs, 'I'm not as strong as you think.'
Jimin says, 'Speaking of your mental strength, you're coping with all the nasty shite people say. I admire the ability you have. I keep falling for you deeper and deeper because of it. You're just unbelievable. If it was me, I'd have been in prison for beating people to death.'

Yoongi chuckles softly in response.

Jimin continues, 'Speaking of your physical strength... You can fuck me for hours, Daddy. I remember moaning and screaming your name for like two hours straight because I almost got a sore throat that day. I turn you on, you lift me up, throw me onto the bed and do me all night.'

Yoongi smiles shyly and tucks his hair behind his right ear.

Yoo-Jin says, 'I'm still here. Watch your mouth.'
Jimin says, 'Don't listen if you can't handle it, Noona.'

Yoongi pats Jimin's thigh with a shy smile.

Jimin says, 'You'll get a job soon, baby. Your internship is gonna be just fine. Everything is gonna be fine.'
Yoongi signs, 'I wish I had a voice. Things would have been easier for us both.'
Jimin says, 'I'm a fucking chatterbox, baby! I speak on behalf of like four people. Isn't that enough already?'

Yoongi signs, 'Four?'
Jimin says, 'Yes. You, me and our non-existent kids.'
Yoongi signs, 'Stop saying nonsense.'
Jimin says, 'Nonsense? Absolutely not! I mean it.'

Yoongi signs, 'I don't think you talk a lot.'
Jimin says, 'That's because you like to listen to me.'
Yoongi signs, 'What makes you think that you talk a lot?'
Jimin says, 'When I was a kid, Appa... I mean, Jae-Hyun-nim used to say, "Little bastard! I wish you were born mute. Why the fuck are you blabbering without a break?"'

Yoongi signs, 'I never felt like you talk too much.'
Jimin says, 'I talk and talk and talk and... Damn. You'll be awestruck if you see my group chat with our friends. I just talk a lot and I'm very loud, too. You know it, don't you?'
Yoongi signs, 'I know. I like it.'
Jimin says, 'Thank you, Daddy.'

Yoongi giggles in response.

Jimin says, 'My baby can achieve everything. He's strong and determined. Do you hear me?'
Yoongi signs, 'Thank you.'
Jimin says, 'I'll be next to you always to push you forward and hold you upright if you stumble. You just gotta get up when you fall and keep going. Can you do that for me?'

Yoongi mouths, 'Yes.' and presses his lips tight.

Jimin says, 'Uh-oh. Words, baby. I need the words.'
Yoongi signs, 'Yes, I can.'

Jimin says, 'Good boy.' and boops Yoongi's nose.

Yoongi giggles softly and licks his dry lips.

Jimin holds Yoongi's nape and plants a kiss on his forehead. Yoongi pecks Jimin's lips and smiles shyly.

Jimin says, 'Go freshen up. We'll watch a movie with Noona. Okay?'
Yoongi signs, 'Okay, sweetheart.'
Jimin says, 'I'll take care of your backpack. Go ahead.'

Yoongi nods and stands up. He spares a glance at Yoo-Jin and walks upstairs.

She says, 'Thank you, Jimin-ah.'
Jimin says, 'No worries, Noona. I know what he's capable of. I'll make sure he keeps going forward no matter what.'

She flashes a warm smile in response.

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