Pregnant Fairy?

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Elina was in the bathroom, feeling sick to her stomach

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Elina was in the bathroom, feeling sick to her stomach. She had been throwing up for about five minutes after having dinner with her family and friends at the Pollination celebration. Her husband quickly came to her aid, bringing a cloth to clean her mouth and holding back her long blonde hair so it wouldn't get in the way of the vomit that continued to come out.

After a while, the nausea started to subside and her husband handed her a glass of water. Elina rinsed her mouth to get rid of the remaining vomit and her husband wiped her mouth too. He gently lifted her limp body in his arms and carried her to their room.

Suddenly, Bibble, their pet pufferball, flew into the room and perched near Elina's stomach.

"Areo youa okai, Elinaboo?" Bibble asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, Bibble," Elina replied in a soothing voice, petting Bibble's fur.

As Elina's husband and her best friend, Dandelion the flower fairy, entered the room, Dandelion seemed panicked.

"Elina, are you still going to vomit? Should I call a herbalist fairy to help?!" she exclaimed. I couldn't help but chuckle softly at Dandelion's overreaction, while her husband just rolled his eyes.

"She's okay, Idiot. She's just going through a stage where everything she eats is likely to come back up," Elina's husband reassured, trying to calm Dandelion down.

"You're the idiot, not me! You're the one making Elina vomit so much!" Dandelion argued.

"She's two months pregnant, you idiot fairy! It's normal for her to vomit. And why are you blaming me?" Elina's husband countered.

"If you didn't have sex with Elina, she wouldn't be sick and throwing up like this!" Dandelion shot back, glaring at Sukuna.

"She's pregnant, not sick, you idiot fairy! It's a normal part of pregnancy for her to vomit. Plus, she's the one who often initiates our intimate moments!" Elina's husband defended himself, not wanting to lose the argument against Dandelion.

"I don't fucking believe you!" Dandelion exclaimed, adding in a few choice swear words. Elina's husband and his friend Dandelion argued back and forth for a long time, each blaming the other.

Meanwhile, Elina lay in bed with her beloved pet Bibble by her side, finding amusement in the heated exchange between her husband and friend. Little did she know, in the coming months, she would become a mother herself.

It seemed impossible since Elina didn't have wings and couldn't pollinate the flower of light to produce offspring. However, her husband had a plan, and through his knowledge of his species mating techniques, they were able to successfully have their own children.

Now, Elina, the first flower fairy in Fairy Meadow, was two months pregnant, preparing to give birth in a way that other fairies didn't yet know about.

𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜-.... (AU of SGIBF)Where stories live. Discover now