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The coral convergence.

In all honestly, it was the most beautiful thing i'd ever seen. Coral as far as the eye could see gathering at a singular point. it was amazing.

The cost to getting here was well worth it in my opinion. wished 'cinder' Carla survived though. that women was something fierce. chatty too. but at the end of the day you can't have everything.

Shit, All-mind almost made sure of that. never again will i fight an ibis-series with two c-weapons, Never again! Only reason why All-mind didn't wipe the floor with us is cause she choose that dumbass Iguazu for her pilot. dude had everything in the bag but fumbled it all just cause he wanted to kill raven.

Of course, my pilot beat the fools ass seven day to Sunday... again, so there's no surprise there.

but anyway, here we are. All-mind's defeated, Iguazu is dead, The coral is alive and safe, and Rubicon isn't a barren wasteland. Raven was extracted from me a few moments ago and placed in side Ayre's AC. although those two won't admit it, they are definitely a couple. but i didn't mind. i loved them like family and was glad they finally had some alone time.

Of course since i had no one piloting me so i couldn't really move. but i didn't mind. i had a nice view over looking Rubicon and it kept me content. though i won't deny, although yes I'm sentient, for some reason i can't interact with anybody and that had me a little bummed out. i can only sit back and witness whats happening through my optics as my pilot absolutely kicks ass.

But hey, what can you do. i didn't let it really bug me cause at the end of the day... im a god damn hero of Rubicon. Bots like me don't whine about what we can't do, we power through and do what we CAN do.

Heh... i sound like NightFall.

???: *sigh*ima miss that old bird

and there i stood, just thinkin about what was next for me. thinkin what the next adventure was gonna be like. who knows maybe i-


Ow? ...did ...did a fuckin pipe hit me in the head?


OW! now my leg?! what the hell is happening?!


"HOLY SHIT!" i just got slammed into by a giant slab from what looks like the Xylum. fuck im being pulled into the convergence.

"fuck fuck fuck fuck, OH SHIT!" i was being dragged full force into the convergence and i couldn't stop. i just dangled into the coral, unable to move a limb. until i was directly flying into the core of it all.


and then i saw black.

*This is an intermission by a Chibi Minerva chilling a the beach drinking a tequilla*

----Main System: Activating STANDARD mode----

???: Ugh

i woke up to my noggin hurting a fuck ton. i did NOT expect a coral explosion of that size to hurt more than i originally predicted.

???: Jesus fuckin Christ, anybody got a number on what bus hit me?

siting up i started rubbing my helm to try and alleviate the pain. this shit was pounding in my head like a human migraine. i slowly opened my optics... and was greeted to a sight that had me a bit put off. i was in a scrap yard... a very BIG scrap yard. looking around i could see scrap, snow, and other stuff for miles, and for some weird reason, i felt as if i shouldn't be here.

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