Cups Alive? (Section 1)

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Cuphead woke up in the hospital. Drained and devoid of all energy. This was the start of the depression. He sat up and he wanted to weep. He could remember what his brother had done.

The light from the window was bright. As if the sun had just risen above the horizon. The light seeped on the bed. Lighting the room.

He rubbed his eyes and sighed. He was on the verge of crying. Why? He didn't quite know. He shouldn't be upset! He deserved this! This was punishment. Stars, it hurts.

He sat still. Silent tears escaped his eyes. Then someone entered the room and Cuphead went pale. The footsteps were light on the floor.

“Ch-Chalice..?” His voice was hoarse and scratchy. He shivered and weeped. She had been there? How long? She walked over to him and her cold hand brushed his forehead.

Was he dreaming?

Is he going insane?

“Shh, hey bro. It's been a while…” bro? What was she rambling about? He couldn't remember… “Look… know you're confused… just… don't worry about that for now, okay?” Her voice was soft and soothing.

“What…huh…? What're you… Chalice..?” The mindless rambles of a crazy one. Or was he crazy? Was this real?

She manifested as a human and picked him up off the bed. He got scared of this being but….what if it was Chalice?

He just stared at her with wide eyes. She chuckled at seeing Cups face like this. Then they went off in a colorful glow.

“About time to remember who you were and are.” She spoke softly to him. There he stood. In the middle of a huge living room. The light from the sunroof was blinding to him. He covered his face.

“Welcome to your old home. I've wanted to reach out to you and Mugs for a while. But it seems I wasn't able to get a hold of you at all because of your job and quest.” She spoke softly through her freshly painted lips. “Though, welcome back.”

She walked over to the white couch and sat down. Such perfect posture. And this was his sister? No way. She was too nice to be. He didn't even have a sister! Other than a sister-in-law. But in general, he didn't have one! Did he?

There was a huge painting of everyone he knew dearly behind the couch on the wall. As well ancient dish ruins and runes aligning the wall and roof. This place was gorgeous. Four stories high and such beautiful, big windows. A huge screen that seemed like a modern TV. All in bright color. Wait … Color? No wonder it was like he was blind. He looked at himself and realized he and Chalice were colored! He must've been too caught up to realize it!

He frantically looked around, freaking out at such a burst of color. He realized his jacket had been hanging at the front door. “I didn't get Mugman yet.” Her voice broke Cuphead out of his thoughts. “I figured you didn't want to see him after what he did. Yes, I was the one who took you to the hospital. All those times you've almost died, you could've let it happen. You are immortal.”

She looked at him with her teal colored eyes. He shuttered. He was extremely confused on what she was talking about.

“Well? What are you waiting for? Go take a look around.” He didn't hesitate for a second. He walked down the hallway and into the kitchen.

The hallway was aligned with windows and paintings. As soon as he stumbled into the kitchen, it was interesting. It looked fancy like something out of a rich house, including a chandelier, island, and a long dining table.

Walking around the corner in the hallway led to a lab. A lab? Why? He didn't question it. Quite interesting looking at such different chemicals and lab equipment, including a huge, glass periodic table with real elements embedded in them. You couldn't really see the noble gasses. Well. Any of the gasses.

He walked out of there and explored the library, the second floor living room, bedrooms, every inch of the house.

Except for one room downstairs on the first floor.

He realized this and walked into that room. It looked like an office. Like Black Hats. He looked around it a bit until he got to the desk. There lied a box.

He slowly opened it.


He was met with a crystal. A pretty diamond shaped crystal. Like the one on a playing card. Red and very light reflectant. He noticed a note in there and he picked it up and read it;

Dear Cuphead Kagami Inkwell,            9/29/1948

     I know it's been a while. I'm unsure if you'd ever get this letter. By the time you're reading this, it might actually be near the early 2000’s! You deserve this though. It doesn't matter how long it takes for this letter to get to you. That crystal is yours.

    I know taking up a new job and responsibility might be hard, but trust me, you'll like this job. I know that the devil wiped your memories but this will help.

    It is yours now.


                                         ~Your loving little sister,
                                    Chalice Rose Inkwell

Cuphead stood there. The devil did what? He heard Chalice behind him.

“Go ahead, big brother. We need our king.” She grabbed the crystal and handed it to Cuphead. He took it… then it glowed.

It floated.

A burst of light blinded him as he stared at it in complete utter shock. the red light circled around him before everything on him changed. Bandages were gone, all that was left was a nasty crack under his left eyes and the left side of his face. He wasn't wearing any of the hospital garments.

Something medieval.

A white button up shirt with ruffles and frills, a red tie, a dark red corset, a blood red vest unbuttoned, red pants, silk gloves with ruffles at the end and tight at the wrist, and long dark red boots. A necklace was around his neck with a diamond shaped clasp. That's what held his faded red cape. The crystal attached as a bracelet to his wrist, covering up an ugly scar.

“Ain't this too fancy?” He asked while looking himself up and down. “I look like a sassy, heartthrob! Even a medieval king! What the cuss?!”

“Don't worry,” she chuckled. “that's an easy fix.” she touched the crystal and he went back to his signature black sweater, normal white gloves, his gray trench coat, red pants, and brown shoes. Though, his coat was longer, like, to the floor long. And a diamond shape was at the end of his pant leg.

He sighed in relief at the outfit change.

“Is this thing magical?” He turned to Chalice. She had a ring with a yellow club on it.

“Yes, they're magical. Any power in the world. You might get tired of the power, you don't have to use it.” She informed.

Oh, his head hurts. Memories from the past rushed in as the spell was broken. Wars. Death. Family. The past. All through the past.

“Don't worry, you'll get used to having all the memories back soon.” She nudged him. “We've got a lot to catch up on. Welcome back our King. Welcome back Mr.Cuphead.”

He suddenly felt as if he had power over everyone. Unspeakable power. It was scary but… cool. Wait- did she call him Mr.Cuphead? His own sister? He felt as if that was his title. What was he even the king of?

“What am I the king of?” He tilted his head.

“The King of Alternative Universes. I'm the Princess. You'll enjoy it here. Get ready to give out soul contracts and make deals! Gaining workers, souls, EVERYTHING!” she chuckled. “Time to be the old you. Please be like you were on the quest. Like you were working for the devil except you are the boss. The devil is your worker. Everything is your domain. Enjoy it sir. I'll give you time to settle.”

She walked out.

Oh boy.

This was going to be a ride with a new responsibility.

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