"Captain Nash, you mind if we talk? You can give me the run down of what happened and show me where he was found." Jonah asked. "Not at all." Bobby said as he led Jonah towards the coffin.

"So how do you two know each other?" Hen asked and Lindsey turned to her with a shrug, "Worked a couple cases together when I was with the BAU."

Hens gaze shifted over to Jonah, who was leaning down to look at the coffin, "That is one fine looking man...and I like women." Lindsey just shrugged at Hens comment. "What? You don't think so?" Hen asked.

Lindsey's eyes flickered over to Buck for a moment. His brows were furrowed and his head was low. "I mean, yeah he's attractive but he's a total player. The man flirts with anyone with breasts."

"He sounds like Buck 1.0." Hen commented and Buck shot her an offended look, "Hey, I am way better looking than him." Hens eyes flickered between the two men, "Whatever you say, Buck."

Lindsey turned to see Jonah making his way back towards her, "I'm gonna head back to the station. See you there?" Lindsey nodded, "Yep." He sent her a smile and a wink before hopping in his car.

"That's quite a story, Mr. Hill." Jonah said. Him and Lindsey were at the hospital, talking to Edgar Hill.

"I know, right?"

Lindsey let out a sigh, "Yeah. Well, the tale is a little thin, though. You say that a man took you hostage at gun point and made you drive to the woods. But you don't remember anything that happened after he shot you."

Hill let out a sigh, "They say trauma can screw with your memory."

Jonah nodded as he took a step towards the bed, "You also don't remember where you were when he got in the car."

"It all happened so fast. I...I think I was driving home."

"Okay, from where?" Jonah asked. "I don't remember."

Looking down at her notes, Lindsey said, "And if I was to ask you if you got a good look at your abductor?" Hill shook his head, "Never saw his face. He had one of those things on, a...What do you call it? A, uh...a baklava."

"Balaclava?" Jonah asked.

"Yeah. Exactly. My minds just not all there." Deciding they should take a different approach, Lindsey suggested, "Maybe we should start from the beginning, see if we can help jog your memory."

The sound of heels hitting the ground caught their attention and they turned to see Taylor Kelly walk through the door. Lindsey's jaw clenched as Taylor said, "Mr. Hill. I hope you don't mind, but i'm..."

"Nows not a good time, Ms. Kelly." Lindsey said as her eyes drifted to the balloons and teddy bear she was holding.

"Taylor Kelly. Channel 8 news. Well, I'm a big fan. She can stay." Hill told them and Lindsey resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Well, that's great. Maybe you'd like to give an on-camera statement about your ordeal. I'm sure the public will want to hear your account of this atrocious crime."

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