Time is a funny thing.

She once was his girl.

Now she's... what is she?



The doorbell rang, "I'll get it" Andrew said as Spencer put the cookies in the oven.

"Sorry, I think I have the wrong apartment?" Spencer heard Gracie from the kitchen.

"Gracie!" Spencer yelled out. "In the kitchen."

Andrew led Gracie to her.

"Hey!" Spencer hugged her. "You didn't tell me you were coming over?"

"I was in the neighborhood" she shrugged.

"This is Andy, my roommate" Spencer introduced him.

"Please call me Andrew" he shook her hand.

"Gracie" she nodded. "I brought wine."

"I like you already" Andrew smiled before he got glasses.

"You okay?" Spencer mouthed to Gracie.

Gracie took a deep breath before nodding her head.

"Long day" she shrugged.

"Oh boy, don't you know it" Andrew spoke. "It's the seasonal depression" he handed her a glass.

Gracie chuckled, "is it really seasonal if it comes every season?"

He laughed.

"True that, true that" Spencer nodded as he poured her wine.

"How was your day?" Gracie asked her.

"We went shopping for a tree" she answered.

"It's our first tree, we have to make it memorable" he nodded.

"Any plans for the holidays?"

"Yes. We're having a party and you're coming! We'll get to meet Andrew's co workers and you'll get to meet Fred and George-"

"And most importantly it won't be boring because we will be drugged out of our minds" Andrew cut her off. "Unless you don't do drugs- there will be liquor" he nodded.

"Cocaine is a hard no for me" she answered.

"Oh my god! Me too" Spencer laughed. "Anything with a needle or snorting."

"Only weed will be at the function" Andrew chuckled.

"I can do weed. I do do weed."

"Dodo" Andrew snorted.

Spencer laughed, "do weed. I'm going to start saying that."

"Don't laugh- English isn't my first language!"

"It isn't mine either" she laughed harder. "Oh god" she wiped the tear that left her eye.

Gracie laughed.

"Do you guys always host holiday parties?"

She shook her head, "this is our first one hosting" she answered.

"Not a big fan of holidays but- when you have people in your life they make them special."

Spencer smiled before she wrapped her arm around Andrew's waist and hugging him tight.

"True" Gracie nodded.

"So, Gracie, Spencer tells me you go to uni?"

"Yeah, business" she nodded. "You?"

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