○Chapter 12○

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Jimin entered inside his home...all worried because his mother called him to join to home urgently......He was wearing a business type model dress...

He was wearing a business type model dress

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The moment Jimin entered the hall...he was met with many unfamiliar faces....a frown appeared on his face....

His mother who saw Jimin immediately said Jimin to sit beside her....mrs Park then said

"He is my son...Jimin....he works in government bank....you know business works that's why he is wearing such clothes otherwise my son is very stick to our traditions"

The lady who was sipping juice said

"Mrs Park my son is a employee in Tilla Comapy...you know how big the company is....monthly earn is 24,000....your son will live like a heaven life....I will allow him to work but not after pregnancy after all then who will take care of baby...and your son is quite good looking but we have many more options so we dont believe in dowry but just 24 lakh and one Mercedes will be good you know haha-"

Jimin stood up from his seat and snatched the samosa that lady was eating while laughing....seeing it everyone stood up with wide eyes...

"Oye aunty....who the heck are you to tell me what to do and what not to do....come on give me back my 8,520₹ and get out"

The aunty who was staring at the samosa Jimin was holding and said
"W..why 8,520"

Jimin chuckled and said "your pet dog whom you brought continuously scratching the sofa...so repair cost 8000 because this sofa is expensive one...the 3 glasses of juice you drank cost 500 and lastly 20 rupees of this samosa"

Everyone were giving Jimin look but Jimin ignored them and ask his mom"I told you to not do this right'

Mrs Park apologised to guests and they left angrily feeling so insulted....mrs park shut the door and shouted


Jimin stared at his mom and said in angry voice

"I.dont.want.to.marry.....keep this in mind...no matter what happened "


Vivaan was going to the graveyard with meera with him...he really want to go..no but he has to...as media loves to make gossip..

He was doing prayers and meera was behind him staring at the graveyard....

Vivaan turned his head after standing up but stopped and his knuckled turned white because of his fist...meera saw his husband angry gaze and she looked at the direction and saw an unknown figure standing there with a white rose in his hand.....

meera saw his husband angry gaze and she looked at the direction and saw an unknown figure standing there with a white rose in his hand

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