random headcanons

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aka copying and pasting stuff i summited to that one vocal synth headcanons account on twitter and am okay with not being anonymous on

• Len and Fukase have this weird enemies but not really/one-sided rivalry thing going on. It started out with Len hating Fukase for seemingly no reason, but once Fuka learned he could get on Len's nerves he's been teasing him and making stupid little comments ever since (he thinks Len looks funny when he's angry).

• Len (and rin but this ain't about her) is basically covered in freckles. Kaito likes to play connect the dots with them and try to find all kinds of shapes he can make out of them.

• ADHD Kaito


• Do not let Yuecheng near a cat. If it shows even the slightest bit of affection he will ask to keep it.

• Hio's an ARSMAGNA fan (because he's a supportive bf). He also probably tried to learn some of the dances they did in his own time but bro can't dance for shit.

• yes seeu's a catgirl girl yes she loves other catgirls it's 2023. get over it /ref

• Yuu is a devious little kleptomanic creature who uses his cuteness and innocent facade as an excuse to why it couldn't have been him. Wil is the only one who can see past it all and Kyo has fallen victim many a time. (Wil tried to warn Kyo but the info just goes in one ear and out the other)

• Yuu has cynophobia (fear of dogs)

• I know this pretty rave girl and her name is Sonika

• yogatari tobari and honne dell coworkers

• i genuinely thought furio's bass clef thing was just a hair swoop and two moles/beauty marks/whatever so now that's my headcanon. it's conveniently styled hair that looks like a bass clef from certain angles.

• any/all fukase

• polyzola hug polyzola cuddle polyzola kiss polyzola love polyzola the world

• Filipino Macnes

• nemu has chronic insomnia

• lumi haiyi jellyfish gfs

• girlflop cul x girlboss maki

• Muxin has a bit of a title or whatever of being the first "human" that otherwordly synths see. First with Medium^5(element beings/goddesses), then Yuzuru(alien). Medium^5 took him in as their brother, while he's currently trying to help Yuzuru blend in.

• hio let ars meet black cat once and she would not stay off that redhead. hio literally had to pry her off of ars when he was leaving.

• len once had a nightmare of rin and gumi dating and woke up crying (he does not want his twin dating any of his friends)

• moke and fukase cuddling and kissing each other on the cheeks and forehead

• Len has like a comedically long list of Kaito and Moke's differences so the moment someone dares to say anything about a similarity between the two he can go "nuh uh" and info dump for at least an hour an a half on the two blueheads he hangs out with

• Everyone's on the aro or ace spec or both.

• mayu x miku. do not separate them.

• arsloid and (haruno) sora would be theatre kid besties i think

• since tei's whole thing with the vocaloids got revoked in like 2012 or whatever i like to think that it was never true and that other synths just spread rumors for whatever reason. like i can imagine tei questioning how anyone can find len attractive and her actually being a fan of/admiring miku (and the other cryptons).

• akita neru and sukone tei are lesbians actually (not dating, they're friends though) who is this len guy you people keep mentioning

• gakupo and longya are the most annoying boyfriends ever (gumi and moke are so tired of seeing their older brother figures being sappy together and whatnot)

• len got the pokemon autism instead of the being good at math or science autism

• Rin unironically reads BL

• whisper☆angel sasayaki is petit's oc, as well as the macne café's mascot. it embarrasses them to no end when they get asked to draw something or cosplay as her for promotional reasons.

• Shishi (Macne Coco Shiro) always makes comments about her age like she's 50 (i.e. saying she's too old for things people her age do all the time) and Roro (Macne Coco Kuro) is constantly like "Girl, we're only 17. Relax."

• Kaito wears glasses whenever he's not performing

• Oliver randomly says the most horrifying, out-of-pocket shit, and then acts like he said something completely normal like favorite color

• Anon has narcolepsy

• Kaito's scarf is like those clown handkerchief things where you start pulling and it just never ends

• Kevin is the biggest Ninezero fan

• flower rin teto ia polycule

• hibiki lui is the adopted son of minase kou and takahashi amato

• Mikuo, Lenka, Rinto, Gumiya friend group. Mikuo, Lenka and Gumiya share one braincell and Rinto's just there to make sure they don't get arrested or killed. (Side note; Gumiya's actually very academically smart but the moment you put him by his bf and bff he goes dumbass mode-)

• I've imagined the other Shion brothers (Akaito and Taito) forming a little a pact thing to just absolutely resent Kaito and now I can't stop thinking about it (Taito secretly still supports the hell out of Kaito and has a hidden merch collection) help me

• Not only Una, but all the Internet co. synths take Halloween VERY seriously. They have the most elaborate costumes, and you best believe they're the house giving out king size candy bars.

• i like to think kaiko's V1 module was really short like 4'11" (~150cm) and then when she was upgraded to V3 she got almost a foot taller and it took everyone a while to get used to

• kaito definitely freaked the freak out when he got the news that crypton was getting another male vocal, like he would not shut up about it and always told meiko and miku how they were going to be best friends and do basically everything together and just overall be inseparable (luckily for him that's exactly how it ended up)

• transfem lesbian akita neru

• Neru has a phone collection

• Zatsune Miku is obsessed with ribbons. She puts ribbons on everything she possibly can.

• My Zatsune Miku is completely different to what I think the canon personality was intended to be. Like for instance, mine is very shy, has low self esteem, and prefers to be modest and hates revealing clothes. Also since I'm here I'll just add on that she admires Hatsune Miku, finds bright and colorful things intriguing, and gets easily flustered.

• Kokone, Kaito, and Uni Valentine's Day trio. They take it very seriously and get together to make chocolates and bake sweets and all of that stuff for everyone else

• rosa likes to make fun of her siblings (arsloid, cul, fukase) for all being cursed with ass nicknames

• The only people that call Arsloid "Akira" instead of "Ars" are Hio and Sora

• Anon is an Animal Crossing addict. She has put more hours into making her New Leaf town and New Horizons island into absolute perfection than she has studying anything ever

• Akaito and Honne Dell kiss methinks

• sex-repulsed asexual kaito!!!!!!

i swear there was more but oh well guess i forgor to bookmark them

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