Steve stormed into the common room of the compound to find Bucky, Nat, Sam and Clint around the kitchen island chatting.

"Hey, Cap," Clint called out as Steve entered. "Sorry about pulling Nat from you guys earlier. I didn't know she had a job when I asked for help but I heard Lanie did good out there."

He cut a barely contained glare at the sharpshooter whose head jerked back in confusion.

"Wait did I get something wrong there?" Clint looked at Nat confused and she patted his shoulder.

"Not at all. But," she came around the island to stand by Steve. "I think Cap's idea of good and yours might be a little different and we need to work on that." She grabbed Steve's shoulders and turned him around, directing him back the way he'd come as she spoke directly to him. "Let's do that now, okay?"

"You need help, babe?" Bucky called after them but Nat just waved a hand over her shoulder.

"No, lover, we'll be good but don't wait up. This might take a while."


When Nat sat Steve down in a chair in one of the surveillance labs, because if he had to talk about this he might as well get work done while he did so, he pulled up the screen to start watching movements on the tracker Lane planted earlier and his head ticked to the side when two dots appeared. Nat, who'd turned to pull up another chair, hadn't noticed so he quickly minimized the window again.

"Alright, Rogers, talk."

"About what?" He grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest, sitting back in his chair to stare at her.

The edge of her lips twitched as if they wanted to pull into a smile but she held it back and crossed her own arms to mirror him. "Oh, I don't know, maybe what's got your panties in a bunch? From where I'm standing the mission went down without a hitch, everyone got in and out safely and in a few days we should have an idea of where to hit the mark."

"Without a hitch? Romanoff, King went in after I directly told her not to."

"And?" Nat quirked a brow at him.

"And?" He stood from his chair and started to pace. "Nat, she went against a direct order and put not only herself but Sam at risk."

"Steve," Nat held out a hand to try and stop his pacing. "There isn't a single person in this compound who hasn't gone against direct order. And we are all always at risk every time we suit up. We all know that."

"But she's the tech person, Nat, not an Avenger! She has no idea what to do in the field."

"I don't know she seemed to handle herself pretty well tonight from what Sam and Bucky said." That got his pacing to finally halt as he glared at her. "What? I mean we all started somewhere and Lanie has been working with us for almost a year. She's run command center on at least a dozen missions and she's smart. That's why Tony brought her on. She's bound to pick a few things up after all that time. So, what's the real issue here because I'm not understanding why you are so worked up. A little irritated I would get but you weren't even this mad after Tony brought the kid to Germany and he was fourteen!"

"She was reckless," Nat held her hands out for him to continue because she knew that still wasn't the root of the issue and Steve let out a deep sigh before dropping back into his chair. "She just walked in like she didn't have a care in the world. Like if she got hurt or worse it didn't matter. And she's part of my team which means I'm responsible for her and if she doesn't care about her own safety haw I am supposed to make sure she gets home at the end of the day?"

Nat let the smile spread across her face then and she stood, slapping a hand down on his shoulder. "Lanie spent more years working on her own than she ever did with a team. It's going to take some time and maybe a few reminders that other people care about her safety now. Give her a little grace until she gets there but don't be afraid to let her know you're only being an ass because she matters not because she doesn't."


"I'm late, I know, I'm sorry!" Lane shouted as she opened the door to her old neighbor turned best friend's apartment.

"Tia," a little voice screeched out before the sound of running could be heard and a tiny body crashed into her legs, tiny arms wrapping around her.

With a huge grin she bent down to peel the little boy from her legs and lift him. "Hola, little monster," she peppered kisses across Amidio's face and he began to laugh. "What are you still doing awake?"

"Lita said I could wait up to see you."

"Did she," Lane leaned back in disbelief. Paloma's mother, Blanca, was a kind woman but she wasn't one to bend the rules when it came to her grandson. Though if it was true in this moment she was glad. Since moving she had barely been able to see the boy.

"Just this one time, I did. I know you've been bust and he missed you," Blanca came around the corner out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel before tossing it over her shoulder. "But he had to promise to go right to bed after you got here."

Lane closed the distance and threw an arm around Blanca. "Well, I appreciate it."

"Yes, yes. So nice until I have to get him up in the morning," Paloma came toward them from the hall sticking earrings in as she walked. When she reached them she kissed her son's cheek and lifted him from Lane's hip, handing him to Blanca. "Now mommy and Tia are going to go out and have a big girl night so be good for Abuelita and I will see you in the morning."

Amidio snuggled into his grandmother's side and nodded and Lane could barely get a wave goodbye out before her friend was pulling her back out the door.

"Whoa, what is the rush," she asked with a laugh as Paloma pulled the door closed behind them and started walking.

"The rush is you left me to move into some fancy upstate think tank and I haven't had a night with my best friend in months. I miss you; I miss looking hot, I miss having adult conversations and fun. So please," she grabbed Lane's hand again and started to walk faster. "Let's get drunk and dance and let loose as soon and as long as possible."

"Alright, your wish is my command, hot stuff." Lane slipped her hand from Paloma's and playfully smacked her friend's butt before reaching into a pocket and pulling out a stack of cash. "And the drinks are on me tonight."

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