1. Eyes Dont Lie

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Lauren stood there with both Isabel and Brittany. She smiled a bit as Isabel talked to the two of them while they stood in front of a game. She looked over to see Hazel, who notices her and smiles back at her before turning to talk to PJ and Josie. Isabel laughed at something, causing Lauren to snap back to reality.

She looks over to Brittany and points at the drink in Brittany's hand "Can i have a sip?" Brittany nods and hands her the cup. Lauren takes a tiny sip of it before handing it back to Brittany. They watched how Jeff ran out in the crowd with a guy talking on the speakers. He walked over to Isabel and gave her a kiss while Lauren scoffs.

He was only there for a minute before running off again when a girl asked him to sign...something. Isabel starts walking over to PJ, Josie, and Hazel. Lauren and Brittany following behind her. "Hey, Brittany!" PJ says. "PJ," Lauren looked PJ up and down, she wasn't really sure what she thought of PJ. She knew Josie and Hazel were nice but PJ never said a word to her.

"I am loving all the holes in your pants."

"Thanks. You look like a, little dutch boy."

"Thank you."

Hazel was behind PJ and Josie when she smiled and waved at Lauren. Lauren smiled back at her, waving as well. "I like your dress." Hazel mouths to her. Lauren could feel her face get red as she looked down with a smile on her face. She was wearing a floral dress with a leather jacket and mary janes. Laurens dad had told her it was a dumb outfit, but just Hazel saying she liked it made Lauren a bit more happy.

They both looked at PJ when they heard her speak again "So, Britt, can i call you Britt?" "I'd prefer if you'd just...call me my name." Lauren covers her mouth in an attempt to not start laughing. "Britt-a-nay." "No, not that." Lauren managed to stop herself from laughing and she crossed her arms.

"Brittany, are you thinking of riding the ferris wheel tonight?" PJ asks. "I wasn't. I was going on the puke and  duke." Lauren looks at Brittany but doesn't say anything. "I need a pull trick." Both Hazel and Lauren knew this was when PJ was gonna embarrass herself somehow so Lauren stopped listening. Lauren watched as PJ tossed the cotton candy away and Hazel made an offended face.

Lauren turns to Isabel and whispers in her ear "I'll be back." Isabel nods and Lauren motions for Hazel to come with her before walking away and Hazel following her, no questions asked. Lauren takes Hazel by her hand and leads her into a line. "Laurie, what are we doing?" Hazel asks her.

"We're getting cotton candy since PJ threw yours away." Hazel smiles a bit and when she speaks she has a hint of excitement in her voice "Really?" Lauren nods. After a few seconds they get to the front of the line and Lauren looks at Hazel "The uh blue one." Lauren smiles and takes her money out. The man at the stand hands Lauren the cotton candy, Lauren hands it to Hazel and the money to the man. "Thank you." She says before both her and Hazel walk away from the stand.

After about ten minutes, Hazel already finished the cotton candy and was walking with Lauren to her car. "You sure you don't want me to drive you?" Lauren asks once they get to her car. "Im sure." Lauren nods and gives hazel a small hug with a quick kiss on the cheek "Bye, Hazel."

"Bye, Laurie."


"Hey, kiddos. Welcome back to class."

Mr G had said and Lauren looked up from her book. Lauren leans in a bit to Hazel "Do you have a pencil?" Hazel nods, handing her a pencil. It turned out to be the only pencil she had cause after Lauren took it she could hear Hazel ask someone for a pencil as well. "What happened to yours?" Josie asks Hazel "I gave it to Laurie."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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