Chapter 8

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(credits to the artist!)
(nobody's POV)
It had been almost two years, Jake and Tom got even closer than ever.
Tom and Gwen kept in touch and Tom often got advice from her over some things.
One day he was with her and Courtney at the park.

Gwen:You know maybe it's about time you asked Jake out.

Tom:Are you sure?

Courtney:Yeah Gwen's right, it's been like a year since you've liked each other!

Gwen:Seriously Tom, it's going to be 2024 soon. One of you must do the first move at some point.

Tom:But i lose courage when i know it's the right time.

Gwen:Then how about you do it on either this christmas or on new year's eve?

Tom:You think it could work?

Courtney:Yeah it could! It would also be very cute for a way to confess your feelings too.

Tom thought about it for a moment.

Tom:Well yeah the thought of confessing on those days sounds nice.

Gwen:Then that's it, go get your man now!

They all laughed and kept on talking.
Meanwhile at the bakery, Jake was making some christmas inspired cookies, for some reason just to sell something they had to start making the pastries on November.

Rosa Marìa:So how are the cookies doing?

Jake:They look fine by me!

Lake:Those are some nice cookies, how are you so good at baking Jake?

Jake:Well i used to cook with my grandma a lot and on christmas eve we would bake cookies together.

Rosa Marìa:That sounds so sweet!

Jake:Yeah, i miss those times and her a lot.

Lake:Are you okay, why are you crying?

Jake suddenly realized he was tearing up, he quickly wiped his tears off and smiled.

Jake:Sorry it's just that she died last year and i miss her a lot.

Lake:Oh gosh, i'm so sorry for your loss Jake!

Jake:It's okay, hey do you want to help me with decorating the gingerbread man?

Lake:Yeah sure!
(that night)
(Jake's POV)

I went back to my dorm and looked outside, it was dark and it was snowing a lot.
I decided to maybe go outside to play in it, it sounds childish yeah but it looked so fun.
When i went back outside i started running around like a child and kicking at the snow.


I heard a familiar voice, i turned around only to see Him, my ex.
Well thank you universe that is one way to kill the mood, i was just having fun after a long day at work.
He came over to me and hugged me without my permission, i tried to push him off but he wouldn't let me.

[...]:Babe please take me back i'm so sorry, i've been low on money, my ex girlfriend kicked me out, and you don't know how much i've missed you!

I finally pushed him off of me, his face only filled me with disgust and hatred, i hated him with a passion, yet for some reason that i can't understand i still missed him.
Just then i heard another voice as i felt a hand on my shoulder.

Tom:Jake are you okay, why are you out here?

[...]:Who the fuck are you?

Tom:Excuse me?

[...]:Babe who the hell is this, dude get the fuck away from my boyfriend.

Tom:Jake do you know this guy?

I don't know what to do anymore, i look at Tom and shake my head. I don't know why i said no to that question but i just did.

[...]:Babe you know i didn't mean to cheat on you, you're being a fucking dramatic asshole again.

Tom:Okay seriously what the fuck is wrong with you, i don't think he wants anything to do with you and you should learn about personal space and keep your hands to yourself.

He looked at Tom with an annoyed look on his face and rolled his eyes.

[...]:Whatever, he probably didn't even change a bit anyway.

He walked off, i just stood there, great my mood was ruined now.
Tom and I went back into our dorm and got changed into so comfortable pjs, we sat on my bed, it was quite awkward to talk after what happened earlier, i hugged the shark plush we bought from ikea that time we hung out together.

Tom:Was he your ex?

I was stunned, how did he know so easily?

Jake:Yeah, how did you know i even had an ex?

Tom:I figured, Gabby and Ellie told me what happened, i'm so sorry that you went through that.

Jake:It's fine, honestly back then i kind of suspected that he was cheating but i always tried to brush it off.


I nodded, we started laughing and decided to try and change the subject, we talked for a bit more until Tom spoke up.

Tom:You know what, maybe i do trust you Jake.

I was confused, what did he mean by that? And then he began to take off his mask, i was shocked when i saw his face for the first time and saw his scars.. He looked so gorgeous.

Tom:I work as a spy agent, i got this from one of my missions by my captors, i escaped and was hunt down for a while until they finally let go.

Jake: Oh wow, i'm so sorry to hear that.

Tom:It's fine.

Jake:Were you using that mask to hide your identity or?

Tom:That's just an excuse, the truth is that i felt ashamed of it. I know how my scars look hideous.

I felt hurt hearing him looking at himself so down for something that told such a great story about him.
I cupped his face and turned it towards me so he could face me directly, i leaned closer to him and finally connected our lips. I wanted to do that for so long.
Something that surprised me though was how he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back.
We immediately pulled apart and just looked at each other dumbfounded.

Tom:Jake i uhm, i have to tell you something else too.

I waited for him to tell me, whatever was happening felt like a whole dream.

Tom:Jake i've liked you for so long now, i didn't know exactly how to confess to you this whole time, i really..

I cut him off by giving him a more passionate kiss, i wrapped my arms around his neck while he held me close.
When we pulled apart i looked at him and giggled under my breath.

Jake:I like you too.

We smiled at each other and laid down on my bed cuddling, i felt Tom kissing my forehead while stroking my hair. Sure the encounter with my ex was a disaster but it doesn't matter anymore. Tom's with me now.
(They were so silly in the first episodes kms ☹️)

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