Chapter 7

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(credits to the artist!)
(nobody's POV)

Dan:..Holy shit.

Dan grabbed his phone and immediately texted Gabby.

(private chat between Dan and Gabby)


Gabby:Hm? what's up Dan?

Dan:Okay so i'm at work and i saw Tom with a girl with faded dyed hair, they were talking and i couldn't help but listen to their conversations, then i found out something.

Gabby:OH?!?!? :0


Dan:Tom finally admitted that he likes Jake and says he wants to confess to him and ask him out on a date. :)



Dan:But he doesn't have the balls to do so.


Gabby:Let's just hope for the love of God one of them finally does the first move.

Dan:Fr, btw i gtg now see you!

Gabby:Aw okay see you Dan!


Tom and Gwen got out of the coffee shop after paying, Gwen suddenly gets a text from someone.
She checks her phone to see like the hundredth fight in a week before checking the message she got from Courtney.

Gwen:Shit i gotta go.. Courtney needs help with something important.

Tom:Ah alright, well then it was nice seeing you Gwen.

Gwen:Hey who said this was going to be the last time we will hang out?

Gwen gave Tom a gentle punch on the arm just to tease him.

Gwen:Anyway, before i go listen, about that Jake guy, remember that if you need help you can always come to me, i could maybe help you!

Tom:Yeah, thank you Gwen, you're the best.

Gwen:Whatever it takes just to help my best younger brother.

Gwen and Tom gave each other a tight hug and then went their separate ways, Tom thought about what Gwen had said and she was right afterall, if he wanted to confess to Jake then he needed to wait for the perfect time.
(two days later)
(Jake's POV)

I was baking some pastries with Lake, she and Rosa Marìa had just started working here at the bakery.
Lake was quite a fast learner and soon learned some of the recipes here, Rosa was actually a great hard worker.

Jake:You're doing great Lake, keep it up just like that!

Lake:I'm glad i am!

Rosa Marìa:Hey Jake! There's two girls and a masked guy that are asking for you.

Jake:Coming! You can keep going Lake i'll be back soon.


Jake walked outside of the kitchen and saw Ellie, Gabby and Tom, he smiled when he saw Tom. He walked to the counter to say hi.

The Mute Boy (mute Jam AU) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя