Jake:Hey guys! Did you need me for anything?

Gabby:Well we just wanted to get some cookie, but i think a specific Someone came here just for you Huhhh???

Gabby nudged Tom in a teasing way, Ellie just held Gabby closer to her to stop her from doing anything else, what was that about?

Ellie:By the way yeah, you guys got any cookies left?

Jake:Yeah of course.

I went to get the cookies for the girls.
(nobody's POV)
Gabby:Soooo when are you gonna ask him out?


Tom was taken aback from that question, Gabby just smirked at him and giggled.

Tom:What's up with you guys now?

Ellie:She apparently heard something she wasn't supposed to.

Tom:Like what.


Just then Jake came back with the bag of cookies and handed them out to Ellie.

Jake:Here you go!


Jake:By the way what was that about a specific someone coming here just to see me?

Before Gabby could say anything else Tom covered her mouth.

Tom:No nothing, Gabby's just joking around.



Jake:Alright i guess.

After they paid they walked out of the bakery, Jake just stayed there mesmerized once again, Miriam noticed and snapped him out of it again.

Jake:Ah sorry Miriam!

Miriam:It's okay, I'm sorry i snapped you out of that daydreaming of yours over that guy.


Miriam:The one with the mask, do you like him?

Jake was still surprised, was it That clear he liked Tom.

Jake:Well yeah but it's complicated, i'm not sure if i'm ready for a relationship yet after the last one.

Miriam:Oh, what happened?

Jake:A year ago i was in a quite toxic relationship with a guy and things didn't work out after i found out something he was doing behind my back.

Miriam:What did he do?

Jake:He cheated on me, and honestly i don't know if i managed to move on from the break up yet.

Miriam:But you're young! Unlike me you still have a lot of time ahead of you, you shouldn't be letting something that's happened months ago stop you from moving on.

Jake:I know but what if i get heartbroken again?

Miriam:You just need to find the right guy, i'm sure you'll be able to the right one.

Miriam pat Jake's shoulder in comfort, Jake smiled and hugged her.

Jake:Thank you Miriam, you're the best.

Miriam:Well, this new young generation needs some comfort sometimes.
Tom:What was that all about?

Said Tom when they got out of the bakery and walked away.

Gabby:Welll don't get upset butt, apparently Dan saw you at the coffee shop two days ago with another girl, talking about how you wanted to confess to Jake.

Tom:.. Of course i should've seen that.

Ellie:Are you though?

Tom was hesitant, but sighed and answered them.

Tom:Yeah, but i'm not sure yet.

Gabby:Aww don't worry i'm sure he likes you back, i mean it's obvious he does.

Ellie:But are we sure that if you guys get together the relationship will be stable?

Gabby:Why wouldn't it.. Oh right.

The two stopped for a moment, Tom was quite confused until Ellie began to explain everything.

Ellie:So, i don't know if Jake already told you this but one year ago he was in a toxic relationship, then Jake found out He was cheating on him behind his back and after the break up he's been having a hard time getting over it. We don't know if he managed to get over the guy anyway.

Tom was stunned, he felt sorry for Jake, he had probably went through a lot these past years.

Ellie:Listen, i'm not saying that you two can't get together, i'm just saying since he might have trust issues or attachment issues especially after what happened to him.

Tom:It's fine i understand, i'm sorry to hear that he went through all that.

Gabby:Mhm, but don't let your hopes down i'm still sure he obviously likes you a lot, it's in his eyes- AH!

They stopped to see a pet shelter, inside were dogs and cats, Gabby was looking through the window where the dogs and cats were standing at in front of here.

Gabby:Aww you guys are so cute!!

Ellie:True they are adorable!

Gabby:Hi buddies!!

Gabby was just playing with the dogs and cats through the window, Ellie was just staring at her doing it and smiling at her girlfriend having fun.
Tom saw a cat between them, it was a tabby cat with only three legs. It reminded him a lot of his family cat Tammy.
He smiled at the thought of his cat, he had sadly died a long time ago before Tom became a spy.
(that's it :3)

The Mute Boy (mute Jam AU) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ