Chapter 17- fuck buddy.

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"Jayden- I- I- I'm sorry for calling you so late it's just I- I-" I ramble before even realizing it.

"Woah woah woah slow down I can't hear you what's wrong?!"

"I can't- I can't breathe-" I struggle to get out.

"Hey it's ok- I'll be there soon ok?" I take another deep breathe.

"Thank you." I hang up the phone and curl up against my pillow.

~ a few minutes later

I hear knocking on the door and I quickly go to open it. As I swing the door open I'm engulfed in a tight hug. "I'm here ZZ, I'm here."

I pull away from the hug to close the door & lead Jayden to the couch. "What happened?" I take a deep breath. I don't want anyone to pity me.

" I um, heard some noise and got scared . Waste of your time.. I know, sorry." I say as I sit down on the couch.

"You heard some noises? I'm not buying it ZZ." He says looking at me like he's trying to read my mind or something. He then pulls me in for another hug. 

"That's all really, im-" the door swings open and in walks Dante.he stares for a moment before he speaks. "So this is where you ran off to?" He chuckles. "We have important shit coming up and you ditch the meeting for this brat."

"She's not a brat. She needed me, so I came." Jayden responds.

"Ah, so you move at her every command and ignore mine? You barely fucking know her."

Dante glares at me while finishing his last statement as Jayden stands from the couch. "Dante you're being-"

"it's fine Jayden. It's my fault. I shouldn't have called you." I stand from the couch as well with my eyes trained on Jayden. I can feel Dante's glare on me.

"ZZ don't apologize-"

"She should." Dante butts in. I turn to him trying to keep my face as calm as possible.

"I'm sorry for whatever I interrupted, goodnight." With that, I turn to give Jayden the best thank you smile I can without breaking down, and head in my room closing the door.


Who does she think she is? Calling Jayden out of the fucking blue. He has shit to do. And then Jayden, just up and leaving like that for a girl he hardly fucking knows?!.

Comforting her, holding her. It shouldn't bother me but it fucking does. What do these two have going on? I don't need his head anywhere else other then the deal this week.And Zaria? She's the main distraction. I'll make her fucking disappear if I have to.

"I am your best friend, but you are seriously being an asshole to her and you know it." Jayden speaks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You're also my right hand, which makes me your boss. Watch the way you speak to me." I snap back.

"Sorry boss, wouldn't want to offend you." He responds sarcasm clear in his voice.

"Watch it Jayden."

"Or what?" With that, I swing and punch Jayden in his jaw. His head snaps to the side as blood leaks from his now busted lip.

He turns to look at me before feeling his lip and laughing. "Real mature of you." He wipes the blood off his lip before attempting shoving past me. I grab his shoulder before he can and he swiftly pushes me back.

Jayden and I are about the same height I am just barely taller. But it's no surprise that he can hold his own with me. Jayden's one of the best fighters in the city. Not many men can survive in the ring with him.

Although a few can still take him on, including me. "So, you're fighting me now?" I chuckle.

"I'm not going to fight you D. Hit me all you want. It won't make me regret coming here." He says as he walks towards the door.

"Be in the ring tomorrow at 1." I say looking at him as he opens the door.

" I'll be there." And with that, he's out the door.

I turn to Zaria's room and open the door. She's laying in bed with her back to the door. She turns over to face the door and slightly jumps when she sees me.

"Why the fuck are you in my room. Get out. And what ever happened to knocking?!" She begins. I don't have time for this.

"Find another fuck buddy." I state coldly.

"Excuse me?!" I flick the light on in her room so we can both see each other clearly.

"If you want to whore around, find. Another. Fuck. Buddy." I state once again. She hops out her bed and takes a step towards me.

"I'm seriously tired of your shit. You can't walk into my fucking room in the middle of the night and insult me. If this is about me calling Jayden then oh fucking well. I apologized when I shouldn't have."

"He doesn't need you distracting him. And quite frankly that's all you've been doing." I shrug.

" fuck buddy? Seriously?! I would never see Jayden that way. Maybe you don't understand what friends are." She begins.

"I called Jayden because I needed someone to talk to. And like a good friend he came. But you wouldn't understand that would you? You know why? Because you aren't a good friend. You aren't even a good person."

"You done?" I question.

"You're such an asshole." She responds and the last bit of patience I had was gone. I take a step towards her and she takes one back. We continue until she hits her bed post no longer able to take any steps back.

I bend over leaning on the bed post to be eye- level with her as I speak. "I've warned you about that mouth before. I suggest you watch it before I put it to good use. And after? I might just cut out that tongue of yours."

She holds eye contact as I say every word trying to act like she's not bothered by my words. But I can see right through her act. The way she fidgets with her hand and the way she gulped when I finish my last sentence.

We stare in silence for a moment, almost like a test to see who would give first. She looks away before muttering. "Get out. I want to sleep." I smirk as I push off the bed post.

"Sure thing princess." I say as I turn to walk out her room.

Sorry for going a bit.. MIA guys I had exams. BUT I AM BACK. Plus I had some writers block.... Is the pace of the story too boring? I want to give it a good story line not just.... Boring yk? Let me know in the comments pretty please

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