Chapter 7

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I'm standing on the third floor of the ballroom, leaning boredly on the edge of the railing that allows me to watch the people below me.  A few hours have already passed.  But nothing suspicious was seen anywhere.  No one making strange movements.  Some hands were shaken between some businessmen and women.  Discussions held.  Deals closed.  Julliette Warner spoke to the guests about this event and the money they donated for charity.
But no sign of Nova.

I want to take a sip of my drink but then notice that the glass is empty.  I sigh deeply and turn to get another glass of drink.  Then I freeze when I see a young woman standing in front of me.  She has blonde hair and blue eyes and for a moment my heart skips a beat because I think it's Nova.  But no.  This woman's face is different.  She is very beautiful.  She is wearing a light blue dress that matches her eyes.  Her blonde locks fall over her shoulders.  She wears matching heels, not too much makeup and some jewelry that matches her entire outfit.  She looks my age.  She looks familiar to me somehow.  That I've seen her in photos.  But I can't place how or what

She looks at me in surprise and I raise my eyebrow questioningly.  “This must sound really stupid.”  She says and looks away for a moment.  "But I've been trying to think of an opening line to address you for 5 minutes."  Her cheeks turn red and she looks at me guiltily.  This pretty girl is trying to talk to me.
The corners of my mouth turn up and I hold out my hand.  "I'm Kai…" "Kishimoto."  She says and grabs my hand.  I look surprised and she looks away in embarrassment.  "I talked to your dad, Kenji Kishimoto. He's very funny. He reminds me of my Uncle Josh. He's not really my uncle. But that's how I see him. He's a doctor.... And I'm rambling  ."  She says and puts her hand to her face in shame.  I chuckle.  "It's okay."  I say and remove her hand from her face.  "I also have an uncle of sorts who is a doctor. His name is James."  The corners of her mouth lift and I can see her starting to feel more comfortable.  "What's your name anyway?"  I see doubt in her eyes.  Then she shrugs as if it's no big deal.  "Camilla, but people who know me well call me Milla."  Then finally the puzzle piece clicks. "Ohh..." I mumble.  "Yes..." She says in the same tone.

There is a crown princess standing in front of me.  I know there are kings and queens in this ballroom, but I didn't dare go near them.  I mean they're normal people.  But still, they sound magical.  "Um...should...should I bow?"  I ask uncertainly.  "No! Please not. I would appreciate it if someone could just have a normal conversation with me this evening."  I nod.  "I can handle that task."  She stands by the railing and looks down at all the people who are still talking.  She then chuckles.  "Normal. The word sounds boring. Most people find it boring. But I would do anything to be normal for just one day. No one is constantly watching you. No one is telling you what you can and cannot do.  Just..." She looks at me and puts her hand over her face.  "I wanted to have a nice conversation with you and now I'm whining about my life as a princess. I sound like a loser starring in a bad romance movie."  She says and looks away.  I chuckle and shrug.  "I still enjoy the conversation. I was just bored to death. So you saved my life."  Honestly, I'm glad I can put my thoughts on something or someone else.  Nova isn't coming after all. 

"And about those novel films, they always have a happy ending. Maybe this is the start for your story."  She laughs briefly and looks back at me.  "What do you think will happen tonight? What could change my life?"  I look at her and a grin comes across my face.  “That's what you're looking at now.”  I say and wave to myself.  She raises her eyebrow.  Maybe I can't help Nova.  But Camila.  "I know every room in this building. And I know where to start for your story. The question is, are you ready for your special adventure?"  I ask and extend my hand to her.  The corners of her mouth lift and I see interest and enthusiasm in her eyes.  But they quickly disappear again.  "I can't... Bodyguard."  She says a little softer and her eyes pass me by for a moment.  Where the bodyguard is probably standing.  “How big is he?”  I ask.  "It's a woman. My father doesn't want history to repeat itself. As if he doesn't grant me the love they have."  She says rolling her eyes and then looks back at me.  "But she works for my dad's friend. Harper. The best bodyguards around."  I snort.  Then they clearly don't know me.

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