Chapter 1.5: The Twins

Start from the beginning

Aqua: "And defeat the malevolent god. Yeah we heard that before ever since we first met. And I still remembered till this day."

Aqua: "Although, to think that he was the main cause that dragged Ren into some dangerous situation somehow scares me."

Morgana: "You mean his part where he became the leader of the phantom thieves? Yeah I'm pretty sure he did. You gotta admit he managed to take down that fake god thanks to everyone's cheers. He's a great hero in Japan. A lot of people have inspired by the presence of the phantom thieves."

Ruby: "I wonder. What would the phantom thieves would be when I see them on person? Aren't you intrigued by this, onii-chan?" Aqua shrugged.

Aqua: "How should I know? It not like I care much about them well except for Ren. I mainly focus on Ai after all I am her fan."

Ruby: "Same goes for me. But I would like to see the phantom thieves as well if I want to. I haven't met them myself but I would love to."

Morgana: "Heh. You both get the opportunity soon when the time comes." he said. Ruby saw the bottle of milk on the floor as she tries to get it herself. She then turns at Aqua while holding the bottle of milk.

Ruby: "I hope you don't mind if I drink this, onii-chan. I'm kinda thirsty." Aqua's eyes widen when he saw Ruby holding his bottle.

Aqua: "Ruby! No! You can't drink that! That's mine!" he said as he tries to get the bottle back from Ruby.

Ruby: "But I'm thirsty!" she said but Aqua ignores that. As a result, both Aqua and Ruby tries to pull each other for the bottle of milk. 

Morgana: "Come on you guys! Quit fighting! Didn't you guys learned your lesson?" he said but they completely ignore him. They pull the bottle so hard that the bottle slip their hands off in the air and drops on Aqua.

Aqua: "Gotcha!" he said while holding his bottle.

Aqua: "Sorry, Ruby. But I can't give you my bottle. I already drank it. You can have yours next time."

Ruby: "But... But... *sob* *sob*" she said as she was starting to cry. Morgana and Aqua stared at Ruby with worry. Aqua turns at Morgana what he should do. Morgana signals him to give the milk to Ruby. Aqua persists but seeing Ruby's cries makes him feel guilty. So he decided to handed her the bottle of milk.

Aqua: "Alright, Ruby. You can have mine." Ruby look up at Aqua with the tears at her eyes.

Ruby: "You sure?"

Aqua: "I mean I just can't stand seeing you cry after what happened last time. I feel guilty just by looking at you. You're my sister after all. Wanna share with me while watching Ai's performance?"

Ruby: "Onii-chan..." Ruby wipes her tears away as she faces Aqua with a smile. She takes the bottle of milk from Aqua as she begins drinking a bit. After she drinks, she handed the bottle back to Aqua. Aqua take the bottle back as he sits next to Ruby. 

Ruby: "I'm sorry, onii-chan."

Aqua: "Don't be. It just a small matter so I won't fold." Ruby and Aqua stares at the tv again.

Ruby: "Look, onii-chan! Mama is about to perform again! Isn't that awesome? She might get more followers from this!"

Aqua: "I hear ya, Ruby. I wonder what she's about to perform next."

Morgana watches the twins with the smile on his face. Seeing the siblings sharing each other triggers his memories when Ren and Morgana shared their bed after Sojiro allowed Morgana to stay for the first time. It was wild to see how much his relationship with Ren have grown overtime. 

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