Chapter 41 - 45

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Chapter 41: Nan Yan Leaned Back, Watching the Show.

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation      Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Nan Yan was about to start eating when she received a call from An Xiran.

“Fourth Brother, what’s the matter?” she asked.

“Yanyan, where are you?” An Xiran inquired.

“At a hotel,” Nan Yan replied casually.

“Which hotel? Fourth Brother wants to come and see you.”

An Xiran’s tone was determined. Nan Yan remained silent for a moment before revealing her current location.

Once An Xiran knew where she was, he immediately hung up the phone. Qin Lu pushed the menu towards her and asked casually, “What’s going on?” “My Fourth Brother wants to come and see me,” Nan Yan replied naturally.

“I see.”

Not long after, An Xiran rushed to the Lantis Hotel.

He called to confirm Nan Yan’s exact location and quickly found the restaurant.

As soon as he entered, he saw his little sister eating with a man!

“Yan Yan, who is he?” An Xiran strode over, his gaze hostile towards Qin Lu.

In An Xiran’s eyes, Qin Lu resembled a big bad wolf trying to lure his little sister. He must have sinister intentions.

His little sister was still so young and innocent. She must not be deceived by him!

“He’s someone I recognize as my brother,” Nan Yan replied calmly, looking up and asking, “Fourth Brother, have you eaten? If not, sit down and eat with us.”

“A brother?” An Xiran’s expression changed.

The An family had four brothers, all of whom were her older brothers.

And yet, she still acknowledged a brother from outside the family.

Did she hate the An family so much now?

Nan Yan nodded calmly. “We get along well, so I accepted it.”

An Xiran’s mind went blank, and his voice became hoarse. “Yan Yan, are you…” Nan Yan held a pair of chopsticks in her hand and smiled at him. “Have you eaten? If not, sit down and eat with us. If you’ve already eaten, let’s talk.”

An Xiran met her cold gaze and instantly calmed down. He pulled out a chair and sat down. “No, let’s eat together.”

How could he let his sister eat alone with another man?

What if he led her astray?

Qin Lu looked at An Xiran expressionlessly. He didn’t have a favorable impression of this person who disrupted his meal.

The threatening aura emanating from Qin Lu made An Xiran’s heart tremble. He sat up straight and said, “Hello, how should I address you?”

“Qin Lu.”

The two words sounded deep and melodious.

An Xiran’s gaze flickered.

The surname ‘Qin’?

In Jin City, there didn’t seem to be any wealthy family with the surname Qin.

However, in the Imperial Capital, ‘Qin’ was an influential surname.

An Xiran didn’t dare to think too much. He extended his right hand formally.

“Hello, I’m Yanyan’s Fourth Brother, An Xiran.”

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