Decisions, decisions, decisions.

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Kazuto's POV
My name is Kirigaya Kazuto. I'm 17 years old, and live with my mother and sister. It's been a few months since the game we called 'hell' was completed. It's creator disappeared into the sunset, while his world collapsed before him, taverns and wooden cottages eroding into small, crystal shards.

After I managed to free a young girl named Yuuki Asuna from the clutches of a man I refer to as a 'maniac', it was painful to see her limping with crutches to support her, while all I could do was beckon her to keep trying. Even so, the fencer's beauty never in the slightest, fails her in my eyes.

Tomorrow if her rehab continues to be successful, Asuna should be attending my school. The school is an old building, yet it is surrounded by a vibrant canvas, various shrubs and trees dotted in it's courtyard. Yes, the teachers do get on my case (but c'mon, who's teachers don't?) about not completing my homework, but it's proving to be a struggle getting back into work-

mode. As I lay upon my bed, my eyes gaze aimlessly at the ceiling, wondering about where my first date with Asuna in the real world should take place: The park? No, are we five years old? A restaurant? Are we middle-aged parents? I repetitively questioned myself numerous ideas, beginning to fret about making the wrong decision. But surely, anywhere with Asuna would be enjoyable no matter the circumstances. "That's it!" I protested suddenly aloud, balling my fist in the air. "I know just where to go."

Asuna's POV
"Can you handle it yourself?" My mother sneered, monitoring my stumbling. I simply rolled my hazel eyes, as I fumbled for my house keys in my handbag. After retrieving the key, I swiftly opened my oak-carved door, revealing my house. It's decor is grand and elegant, portraying a noble and old-fashioned aspect.

My mother carried different bottles of medications in her arms, and set them on the table. "Go to sleep. You have school tomorrow." She said, not even bothering to make eye-contact with her own daughter. "Okay, Mother." I replied, trudging cautiously up the stairs.

I cleaned my teeth and got into my pyjamas, and continuing the daily routine by slipping under my duvet. My hair was disheveled already, and my forehead was scarcely sweating. "So much effort..." I panted, using the sleeve of my shirt to dab the sweat from my forehead. The sky was already dusk and devoid of any clouds.

This was real life, and I'm finally back. I remembered that I would be reunited with Kirito again tomorrow, but instead I wouldn't be drowned in embarrassment. Being able to walk fairly well, I shouldn't look like some frail, old woman anymore. Anticipation tingled throughout my body, as I recalled my memories that were once treasured back in Aincrad

Sleep was out of my grasp as I lay awake staring at my ceiling. 'Should I propose a date with Kirito-kun tomorrow?' I thought. Or does he already have something planned? "Ah Kirito..." I cooed in an appreciative tone. "Thank you for saving me....
my hero..."
And with that, I drifted off into a delicate, blissful sleep.

"Memories." A series of Kirisuna oneshots~Where stories live. Discover now